Cary Hudson is this week’s entertainment at Yalobusha Brewery’s Friday evening event, Brewery Tours Tasting and Tunes. Photo courtesy of Yalobusha Brewery Co.
Jesse and Kelley Pinion have historically proven to be a tough act to follow, but musician Cary Hudson has the arsenal, the fan base and motivation to give it a shot.
Yalobusha Brewing Co is a commanding fixture in Water Valley, Mississippi. Photo by Jeff McVay
After last week’s show featuring the Pinions, Yalobusha Brewing Company reloads Friday evening at 6 by welcoming one of Lafayette and Yalobusha County’s favorite musicians, Cary Hudson of Blue Mountain fame (and – yes – his solo performances are as energetic and stirring as his group efforts).
In 2002, after a Blue Mountain hiatus, Hudson started his solo career, began touring and somehow managed to find the time to release five albums to date. In February 2013, Hudson and Blue Mountain co-founder Laurie Stirratt (resident and business owner in Water Valley) announced that Blue Mountain would play its final show at the North Mississippi Hill Country picnic that year.
Cary Hudson Photo courtesy of caryhudson.comFast forward to the present and enter Yalo Brewery and its Brewery Tours Tasting and Tunes event. This Friday (February 5), organizers will host only the fourth of such events which feature tours of the facility, beer tastings and now – local and regional bands that jam until 9 p.m.
Although the weekly event begins at 1 p.m. and tours require a $10 fee, its 6-9 p.m. music block is free of charge and begins early enough that attendees are guaranteed an early night. The $10 fee includes a tour of the unique brewery as well as six 6-ounce samples of any flavor and strength of Yalo beer that’s available. The brewery also allows patrons to bring food from any local restaurant if they wish and kids are welcome to attend.
Yalobusha Brewery Tours Tasting and Tunes Photo courtesy of Yalobusha Brewing Co.
Make plans to spend Friday evening with North Mississippi’s best beer and Hudson as he brings his provocative blend of North Mississippi country-rock to the brewery at 6 – and be ready to sip and enjoy generous samples of the aforementioned brew. And – FYI – you may consider getting there early this week.
For more information, visit Yalobusha Brewing Co’s Facebook page or their website at
For more information on Hudson, his music and booking information, visit
Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for He can be reached at