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Vassallo Interviews: Brittney Young Driven to Success with Personal Goals



Brittney Young is an individual who believes anything and everything in life is within reach. This young lady from Paris, Tennessee, has accomplished more already than most people twice her age.

Her life is all about focus, dedication and not settling for second place. Her story is one of the more interesting ones I have ever encountered and should serve as an inspiration to anyone who is determined to be successful! Happy New Year Brittney! You have been a very busy young lady over the previous 10 years. We understand you draft your goals for every new year in advance. Care to share with us why you feel it is important to set goals?

Brittney and her pet deer, Rebel

Brittney and her pet deer, Rebel

Brittney Young: Since I was old enough to write my dad would have me sit down at the end of each year and have me write down my goals for the next year. My dad would always say, “You don’t go on the field without a game plan do you? Well then why would you go through life without goals?”

I feel that taking time to set goals gives me clarity on what I ultimately want. Setting goals to me is like visualizing your success. I feel that the only way to reach my highest potential and continue to grow is to set goals. What did you learn growing up in rural west Tennessee that is benefitting your life now?

Brittney Young: I learned to appreciate the simple things: Growing up in rural West Tennessee, life seemed to be so much simpler. Living in a small town allows for you to appreciate moments in life that mean everything. It taught me to appreciate the simple things in life. In a small town, you learn to be friendly and smile at everyone. This is so true in life and leadership. You never know what a kind word or even a smile can do in the life of someone else.

I learned how to become an individual: Growing up in a small town, everyone knows who you are. You always had to think before you acted. Whatever you did someone would see it or find out and your parents would know before you got home. There is a huge benefit in taking pride in who you and to learning how to be yourself. It was in my small town I learned to be an individual. I never felt like just another person in a crowd. Funny how that carried over into my life now. I have never been one to follow a crowd or do things because others were. In a small town, you are not just another number in a crowd. I couldn’t have picked a better place to grow up. There are some values and principles you just can’t learn anywhere else but in a small town. Many young girls are focused on the typical things in society that we all are aware. However, your focus seems to have incorporated many additional components including an appreciation of the outdoors. Is this an accurate assessment and if so, what prompted it?

Brittney Grabbling CatfishBrittney Young: I am very fortunate that God blessed me with a Dad to take time and teach me and show me the importance of the great outdoors. I grew up hunting, fishing, playing sports and loving every aspect of the outdoors . I grew to love the outdoors at a very very young age and it never changed and to be honest the older I get the more I love it and the more it means to me.

I have always said that hunting and the great outdoors can teach you so many things about every aspect of life. It is amazing in every way and something no one can take away from you. Apparently you were very close to your parents and remain so today. What ideals and common sense applications did you parents reinforce to you?

Brittney Young: Hardwork and dedication. From the time I was able to walk and talk I was given chores. My parents would tell me, “you have to pull your weight around here.” I can remember when I was little having to wake up on Saturday mornings and help my mom clean house and get my chores done before I could go play. I had two wonderful examples growing up. My parents instilled in me strong work ethics and they did not just teach me these import aspects of life, they showed me by example. My parents both taught me to always exceed expectations — do what is expected of you and then some. This lesson has been valuable as it has kept me advancing in my career and in setting and reaching my goals in life.

My parents taught me the value of hard work and that if you want things in life you have to work for them.
They instilled in me the value of keeping God first and taught me to always keep a positive attitude. You are the only individual I have ever known who was featured on Animal Planet. How did this come about?

Off the Hook Episode 6Brittney Young: The producer of Animal Planet contacted me and told me that he was producing a new tv series on the Animal Planet featuring professional wrestler Eric Young traveling the globe trying to find the craziest and most extreme things to do and catch. The producer said he came across pictures of me grabbling and wanted me to be a part of the new show, “Off the Hook Extreme Catches: Beard Gone Grabbling”, so I thought it would be fun and said why not. Education is a very important part of your life. Why did you select Ole Miss as your university of choice?

Brittney Young: I visited numerous schools but the moment I visited Ole Miss I knew it was the right place for me. It was a beautiful school but more importantly it took me back to my roots of being from a small town. Ole Miss just felt like home and to this day I get the same feeling in Oxford as I do when I visit my own hometown in Paris, Tennessee. No matter how far you travel or where life takes you, you can always come back. You’ll be greeted with the same smiles, waves, and hellos as before. This closeness shows you the true meaning of community. In a small town you are able to build friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime and they have.

Brittney with her St. Bernard Entering the medical field immediately following graduation and relocating to California appears at least on the surface to be risky business. Do you enjoy or welcome taking risks?

Brittney Young: California was by no means the place I envisioned going and it was a culture shock at first, but I knew that in order begin my career, follow my dreams and achieve my goals, I had to go. I graduated in May and by June 1 I was living in CA. The risk was definitely worth the reward. I believe that in order to reach your fullest potential in life and become successful you have to take risk. So yes I welcome risk and I guess you could say I enjoy them too. Sales/selling does not come easy for most. You obviously are an exception. What makes you so gifted in this respect?

Brittney Young: That is a good question, but honestly what has made me successful is that I take it personally. I do not sell. I always put myself in the other person’s shoes. My clients know that I would never sell them anything I do not believe in or would not sell myself. They know they can trust me and that I am there to help and consult, not sell. They know that what I recommend and sell has my name on it and that is my reputation and I value and take pride in that. Entrepreneurs are rare and unique individuals. Starting a new business is
always a difficult proposition even when preplanning is exceptional. What were your thoughts in starting iCare and is it progressing according to plan?

Brittney Young: One of my life goals that I set was that I wanted to start my own company. I had been in the medical industry for close to 9 years at the time I started iCare and felt in my current job I had reached somewhat of a plateau in my career and felt I was limited on being able to take care of my clients to the highest standard.

McKesson Medical-Surgical Rookie of the Year NationwideI am a person of integrity and I have always felt that the way I do business is just as important as the business I am in. I am truly passionate about helping others and making a difference in their life. In starting my own company, I was not only able to fulfill my dreams and achieve my goals, but more importantly I was able to follow my true passion in life and do what truly makes me happy and that is helping others and making a difference in someone else’s life.

Starting a business is a lot of work. The hours are long, sacrifices are great and you are assaulted with new problems and challenges every day. Starting your own business will ensure you’ll always be facing challenges and experiencing something new.

I enjoy a challenge and I like to win. I would say starting a business is pretty much one of the biggest challenges I have taken on thus far in life and it has been well worth it, because When you build something on your own, it’s a great feeling. You had a vision, were able to execute it and now can reap the benefits of saying “I did this.”

iCare has progressed according to plan; however I hope to grow it in more detail in the future as the opportunity presents itself. An inevitable part of the startup experience is trial and error. It’s an ongoing learning process that can help you make your next venture a success.

Animal Planet OFF THE HOOK EXTREME CATCHESI understand that anything that I want to achieve in life won’t and shouldn’t come instantaneously. Instead of having unrealistic expectations about my career or goals, I know all good things take hard work, dedication, and an immense amount of patience. While I still have iCare, I am currently focusing on furthering my career in the medical sales industry, where I am currently the southeast territory sales manager for an anesthesia and respiratory company.
I certainly wouldn’t consider myself “set.” I am the definition of a work-in-progress. My success I do not feel is my final destination, it is a stepping stone. I feel that when you treat your company as the first and last thing you will ever do, I feel you limit your potential and fail to welcome opportunities for growth.

Brittney Young Hunting PhotoI am taking what I have learned and applying it to my continued growth. I welcome change and often depend on it to improve my effectiveness as a leader and grow to my fullest potential. I look forward to 2015 and what challenges and growth it will bring. You apparently are an extremely well-rounded individual. What truly makes you tick?

Brittney Young: I am a very optimistic person and I love seeing people smile. I have always had a “Work hard play hard attitude” and I try to keep a work/life balance. I love an adrenaline rush and I crave adventure. I like to try new things and I believe that life is too short not to have fun and do what you love. What is your favorite wild animal and why?

Brittney Young: My favorite wild animal would have to be a tiger. Tigers have a “work hard, play hard” attitude and they are strong and take pride in what they do. Define happiness.

Brittney Young: Happiness is being optimistic and having no regrets. It’s realizing that the obstacles we encounter and the mistakes we make are ultimately what make us the people we are today. Happiness above all is staying real and being true to yourself. No matter where you go, what you do, nor what you accomplish in life, do not ever forget where you came from.


Steve Vassallo is a contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. In addition, he is a certified economic and community developer and currently, a highly successful leader in the real estate business with Premier Properties of Oxford.You can contact Steve at or call him at 985-852-7745.

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  1. Lesia Lamb

    January 6, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    great article !!! I’ve come to know Brittney over this past year and she is truly a genuine person !!! Just love her and she’s a remarkable young women !!!! Thanks for posting her interview!!! Awesome

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