The Oxford Daily Crime Report for Monday, May 5

The Oxford Police Department investigated 19 wrecks, issued 68 traffic citations and made 30 arrests, on the following charges: nine trespassing; four alcohol possession by minors; four public intoxication; noise violation; illegal vehicle lighting, suspended driver’s license and no proof of valid insurance; careless driving, no seatbelt and first- offense DUI; careless driving and second-offense DUI; careless driving, no proof of valid insurance and first-offense DUI; failure to yield at a red light and first-offense DUI; possession of marijuana less than 30 grams; shoplifting and possession of drug paraphernalia; domestic violence simple assault; disorderly conduct; careless driving and first-offense DUI; failure to yield at a stop sign and first-offense DUI; and speeding, failure to yield at a Red Light, no driver’s license, no proof of valid insurance and first-offense DUI. 
Oxford Police also responded to reports of two simple assaults, nine ambulance assists, 13 suspicious activities, grand larceny, four malicious mischiefs, open door, five alarms, five carless drivers, six welfare concerns, three parking complaints, 17 disturbances, two animal complaints, motor vehicle assist, harassing phone calls, two civil matters, three 911 hang-ups, embezzlement, lost property, six thefts, domestic dispute, two public intoxications and two petit larcenies.
The University Police Department responded to the following incidents this weekend:
Friday, May 2
Driving on wrong side of roadway, four speeding, driving without headlights, careless driving, eight running a stop sign, public drunk at Brown Hall, ambulance needed and information at Kennon Observatory, suspicious person at Barnard Observatory, ambulance needed at Brevard Hall, traffic assist at Coliseum Drive, disregard of traffic device on Coliseum Drive, vehicle stop, motor vehicle accidents at Barnard and Kincannon Field Lot, suspicious person on Alumni Drive, disturbance at Kappa Alpha fraternity house, larceny off-campus, grand larceny at Kennon Observatory, petit larceny and grand larceny at Sigma Nu fraternity house, traffic assist at University Place, improper equipment and driving wrong way on one-way street at Kincannon Hall Parking Lot.
Saturday, May 3
Speeding, intoxicated person at Kincannon Hall, disturbance at Phi Kappa Tau fraternity house, speeding at University Place, vehicle stop on West Road, traffic assists on Sorority Row and University Avenue, hit-and-run accident at Campus Walk Apartments, disturbance-loud/unnecessary music of noise at Ole Miss Union, vandalism-malicious mischief at J.D. Williams Library, burglary-taking items from auto at Kincannon Field Lot, traffic assists at Baseball Field and University Circle and vehicle stop on Fraternity Row.
Sunday, May 4
Driving wrong way on one-way street at Kincannon Hall Parking Lot, drugs-possession of paraphernalia at Stockard Hall, ambulance needed at Oxford-University Stadium, grand larceny at Phi Delta Theta fraternity house and drugs-possession of paraphernalia at Stockard Hall.
The Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls this weekend:
Friday, May 2
– Smoke from burning incense activated smoke detector, at Deaton Hall No. 316, at 11:48 a.m. – Third floor smoke detector malfunction, at the Honors College, at 11:50 a.m. – Cooking activated a smoke detector, at Swayze Field, at 4:51 p.m.
Sunday, May 4
– Somebody pulled a fire alarm as a prank, at the Kappa Alpha house, at 1:33 p.m. – A child pulled the fire alarm, at Burns Belfrey Museum, at 1:44 p.m. – Assist patient that fell until ambulance, Kroger by PJ’s area, at 2:16 p.m.
All photographs and listings in the Daily Crime Report are provided by law enforcement personnel as a part of the public record, to The persons depicted are not guilty of any crime until conviction by a court of law.