A documentary featuring an emerging strain of anger among some prominent African-American activists and intellectuals during the civil rights movement will have its public premiere at...
We’ve got a long stretch until Ole Miss football returns to Vaught-Hemingway Stadium in September, and we’ve got a few things to keep you occupied in...
This month, the LOU Reads Coalition launches a six-month community awareness campaign designed to encourage parents to read to their children daily from birth. The unprecedented...
The Sarah Isom Center for women and gender studies with support from the M.F.A. Program in creative writing welcome students, faculty and the larger Oxford community...
Bloomsbury Children’s Books publishing invites all to raise their wands! Harry Potter Book Night is a worldwide celebration of J.K. Rowling’s books. In its first year...
Mississippi State University Police Chief Georgia Lindley was arrested at 5 p.m. Thursday for driving under the influence. She is currently out on bond and placed...
The two succulent plants above were planted at the same time one warm day this past summer. They were both healthy and flourishing when we purchased...
With support from the University of Mississippi’s Center for Excellence in Literacy Instruction, or CELI, Dundee Elementary School in Tunica has earned an A rating from...
This year, United Way of Oxford & Lafayette County, Volunteer Oxford, and he Retired Senior Volunteer Program are coordinating their efforts in support of Giving Tuesday...
For the past two weeks, Cindy and I have had a house guest from Oxford, England, our longtime family friend, Carole Tucker. Many know Carole from...