Winnie Wilson, Oxford High School senior and student body president, was recently named Mississippi’s High School Journalist of the Year by the Journalism Education Association. The...
The Oxford Board of Aldermen set the date for a public hearing on the two proposed two versions of the updated voting ward map. Due to...
The Oxford Police Department is asking the community for help to locate a missing Oxford man. Curtis “Maurice” Vaughn was last seen around 11 p.m. Monday....
To help keep Ole Miss baseball fans safe, the Oxford Board of Aldermen approved a request to work with University of Mississippi Athletics to provide a...
Oxford High School student Peter Griffis has surpassed the required credit hours for Work-Based Learning with over 1,000 hours logged. The standard hour requirements for course...
Whether or not you are Irish, love the color green, or maybe just love Oxford’s nightlife, this year’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl will allow...
A local developer is hoping to get a fence approved by the Oxford Planning Commission to shield the view of a dilapidated home from his commercial...
The Oxford School District has received a $91,000 grant from the Mississippi Department of Employment Security and the governor’s office in order to promote and expose...
Oxford High School junior Charlie Frugé didn’t spend his first semester of this school year sitting in a classroom all day like most students. For six...
The Oxford Fire Department responded to more than 3,100 calls in 2022. OFD Chief Joey Gardner presented the 2022 annual report to the Oxford Board of...