A keeper from Archie’s country collection ESPN’s The Book of Manning documentary, which aired last night, featured some fascinating footage of Archie on the field in his 1960s...
On Tuesday September 24, at 7 pm CST, the SEC Storied documentary, The Book of Manning, will premier on ESPN. The documentary follows the rise of...
Last Friday night, The Gertrude Ford Center on campus at Ole Miss hosted a screening of the new ESPN documentary, The Book of Manning. Before the...
Announcement made at red-carpet ESPN Films documentary at Ford Center on Friday night OXFORD, Miss. – In honor of their extraordinary contributions to the University of Mississippi,...
Archie Manning is ours, and we are his. He is my generation’s greatest childhood football hero. When Johnny Vaught was the father of Ole Miss football...
Despite a rich Delta history, Drew, Mississippi, is best known for its legacy of sports legends: Archie Manning, and two of his sons, Eli and Peyton....
As James Meredith receives his diploma, two photographers are standing by the fence snapping away. These two young men went on to contribute greatly to Ole...
In tribute to Ole Miss legend Archie Manning, the speed limit on the University of Mississippi campus is 18 mph. Born Elisha Archibald Manning on May...
Rebel fans may have to go back to the days of Archie Manning to find a single player who excited the Ole Miss faithful more than...
Delta Magazine Publisher, Scott Coopwood and daughter, Travis. Scott is a blogger for www.HottyToddy.com. “When I was her age, at halftime, the Ole Miss Rebel...