Special Blood Drive for Community Leader Matt Bishop

Matt Bishop believes in giving back. He supports the Oxford-Lafayette community through his work at Shelter Insurance and his volunteer efforts. Matt volunteers with the Oxford-Lafayette Chamber of Commerce and is an active presence in the Lafayette-Oxford-University (LOU) Community.
msbBut he gives more than just his time and expertise to his fellow Mississippians – he also gives a piece of himself on a regular basis when he comes into Mississippi Blood Services (MBS) and donates blood.
“Matt walks over from his office to our center two to three times a year,” Lolita Gregory, MBS Regional Manager of North Mississippi, said. “He takes an hour from his busy day to donate blood.”
Bishop has up to this point been on the giving end of all his volunteer work. Now, confronted with aortic valve replacement due to severe stenosis caused by a congenital heart defect, he faces the possibility of being on the opposite end of the needle.
His friends and peers at the Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce are not used to standing around idle while someone is in need. They set about finding out what positive action they could take and Pam Swain, Chamber Vice President, contacted Gregory to set up a special blood drive for Bishop.
“It’s important for blood to be available when a patient needs it,” Gregory said. “Having blood drives for Matt helps him and other patients like him. I think Matt is pleased knowing blood will be there – even if he doesn’t need it, he knows others will. And if he does need, it’s great to know it’s there!”
Oxford and Lafayette citizens, as well as University of Mississippi alumni, students and staff, are encouraged to stop by Mississippi Blood Services at 2627 Oxford Loop, Suite C, in Oxford and donate for Bishop.
MBS hours are Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Please call (662) 234-0363 or visit our website at www.msblood.com for more information.
All donors must be at least 17-years-old (16 with signed parental consent – forms available at drive locations and online), weigh at least 110 pounds, and have a valid ID. You can check out our website or our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/give2live to find out about other upcoming events at Mississippi Blood Services. Donors can check their overall cholesterol levels on their MBSConnect Account. Saving lives for 35 years!

Matt Bishop flyer

Mississippi Blood Services (MBS) was founded in 1979. Mississippi Blood Services is the only not-for-profit blood center headquartered in Mississippi. MBS supplies a safe and adequate supply of blood and blood products to Mississippi hospitals from the Tennessee line to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Mississippi Blood Services is Mississippi’s blood service.