Get it while you can, and get it right. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Big dog: The leader of the pack, like the lead...
Get an earful of confetti corn and creamed sweet corn. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK: Rough as a cob: A person whose personality needs...
Recipes as cool as a cucumber. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Thicker’n pea soup: The humidity in the Mid-South around this time of year...
More savory ways to eat a peach. By Laurie Triplette Editor’s Note: Last week, Laurie Triplette presented Part 1 of peach recipe ideas, including peach simple...
Feel warm and fuzzy with these peach-forward recipes. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Peachy (also peachy keen): Just fine. Great. Dandy. Swell. Wonderful. Arranged...
A bread, a salsa, a sauce, and a drink that are all the berries. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK I found myself: A grammatically...
Summer’s massive melon offers plenty of possibilities. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK To Cotton to: To like, or to “take to” or to “stick to”...
Liquid accompaniments to cool the Southern soul. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Oh my stars and garters: A declaration similar to “Oh for pity’s...
Southernizing Italian and Asian flavors By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Tarnation: American derivative of tarnal (itself probably a derivative of eternal)… The way polite...
Shrimp, salad, salsa and other savory summer satisfiers. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Catch as catch can: To make do with what’s available in...