You know we’re living in a digital age when there are resolutions for that non-breathing entity that lives in most of our homes called Facebook. It’s the one social media site that just won’t let us go. Most of us get up in the morning reading and checking it and go to bed at night after we’ve given it that final once-over, meticulously scrutinizing to make sure we didn’t miss something vital, such as a new recipe or an opportunity to take a quiz to see which superhero we are.
That being said, Facebook resolutions are being made by people just like the ones they declare for their normal, daily lives; after all, Facebook is a part of normal, daily life. We asked our readers to give us some of their 2015 declarations of independence (if they had any) when it came to the site that sometimes reminds us of an addictive soap opera and not surprisingly, they did. Here are the top 7 that they shared with us in no particular order:
Resolution No. 1: You will not hit like and share to prove you love your mother. Of course, you love your mother whether you hit like and share or not, so you’ve decided to be strong and show that Facebook post whose boss and you keep scrolling. But as you get farther and farther away from that dreaded challenge, your mind says maybe I should do it just in case someone thinks I’m a lowlife and does not treasure the woman who gave birth to me. DO NOT DO IT. BE STRONG.
Resolution No. 2: You will not get caught up in someone else’s drama. OK, you read the post and each comment thereafter. Your fingers are itching to add your two cents. The insight you feel from your side of the computer or digital device is strong, but you have to resist temptation. The airing of dirty laundry on social media repulses, yet entices you. It’s that deer-in-the-headlights moment; you’ve got to make a decision now. RUN!
Resolution No. 3: You will not play yet another game app that you don’t want to play just to help out a friend. You love your friends, no doubt. But the unending game requests are getting out of hand and you have to do something. Your Facebook feed is beginning to look like a testament to all things “King.” (Makers of Candy Crush saga) Time to just say no and trust that your real friends will understand.
Resolution No. 4: You will not accept another friend request from someone you do not know. And speaking of friends; just who are those 410 people on your friends’ list anyway? You might actually know 50 of them. C’mon. Be strong. If you wouldn’t sit down at High Point and have a coffee with them, they don’t need to be on your friend’s list. But your mind tells you, it’s a professional connection and I might need to keep them. And you respond: that’s what LinkedIn is for.
Resolution No. 5: You will wish your real friends a happy birthday, but not the person you can’t remember. Refer to Resolution #4. If you don’t really know the individual, does it really matter if you tell them Happy Birthday or not? Seriously?
Resolution No. 6: You will not post another ridiculous selfie no matter how popular the trend is. You are more than the fads that come and go. You are a person with a brain. You do not have to be a follower; you can be a leader. You can reach deep inside yourself and realize that no one really wants to see you produce “duck lips” on Facebook. You can do this.
Resolution No. 7: You will not take another picture of your meal. Steak, baked potato and salad is a wonderful thing, granted, but taking a picture of it and posting it on Facebook is not mandatory before you actually enjoy it. People can live without knowing what you had for supper.
Do they sound like something you’ve been meaning to try when it comes to the world’s favorite social media site?
Angela Rogalski is a staff reporter and can be reached at