Photo Gallery: Pigs, Punch, and Prose at the Powerhouse

Photos by Laurie Triplette. Text by Tad Wilkes.

The Powerhouse Community Arts Center hosted a book-signing, book-reading, punch-sipping, pig-eating good time on Tuesday, October 1. Oxford-based writers Tom Franklin, Beth Ann Fennelly, and James Beard Award-winner John Currence celebrated the launch of two releases: Pickles, Pigs & Whiskey, Currence’s first book, and The Tilted World, the first co-authored novel by Franklin and Fennelly, who happen to be husband and wife and on the University of Mississippi faculty.

Currence’s City Grocery Group team served beverages including a special Floodwater Punch as attendees mingled and lined up for libations and autographed books. Square Books Owner Richard Howorth and Ole Miss Chancellor Dan Jones shared kind words about the authors. Currence chose not to read recipes from his book, instead taking the podium to express gratitude for the people along his career journey who helped him succeed. Franklin and Fennelly read from The Tilted World, before attendees reconvened for a spread of barbecue, slaw, and other delectables.