Trio of Rebels combine for seven hits, seven RBI’s From Ole Miss Sports Information The Rebel offense continued its trend of being efficient and opportunistic on...
Rebs set for five-game road trip. By: Adam Brown, Sports Editor of The Ole Miss baseball team opens up a five-game road stretch tonight,...
More than 150 people from the LOU community attended The Mississippi Child Care Resource & Referral Network Open House at the network’s Jackson Avenue Center office...
“American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied.” – Calvin Coolidge Republicans are soul searching. By...
Spiking the ball with under three minutes left. Seph Anderson, Sportswriter to The South, focuses his sports writing & photography skills on covering timely Ole Miss...
Art Shirley graduated from the University of Mississippi in 1984 with a BA in Art. While at Ole Miss, Art drew the daily comic strip Ernie,...
Leaders of the Swedish firm IKEA thought coming to the U.S. South would be a perfect marriage. They could take advantage of a cheap, docile labor...
Kennedy named SEC Coach of the Year. From Ole Miss Sports Information Desk The postseason honors have begun to roll in for the Ole Miss Rebels,...
This St. Paddy’s Day, try the potluck o’ the Irish By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Shirt-tail cousins/shirt-tail kin: Someone who is not closely...
Junior Guard Becomes First Rebel To Win The Award From Ole Miss Sports Information Ole Miss junior guard Marshall Henderson won the C Spire Howell Trophy Monday afternoon...