Oxford Women Help Save 64 Children from Human Trafficking

Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to a story we ran on November 11, 2013 titled Local Women Raise Money to Rescue Children from Human Trafficking. Click Here to read our previous report.
Two Oxford women, Kathy Brummett and Elizabeth Jones, have been working with the Colorado-based non-profit Life for the Innocent, which rescues children from the horrors of human trafficking.

Kathy Brumet and Elizabeth Jones
Kathy Brummett and Elizabeth Jones

Their December fundraiser yielded over $30,000 for Life for the Innocent to use to ā€œbuyā€ children out of the trafficking system. If this incredible amount was not miraculous in itself, the timing of the funds was undeniably an act of divine providence, according to Brummett.
The womenā€™s fundraiser selling Mary Kay cosmetics ended on Saturday, Dec. 21. On Monday, Dec. 23, Life for the Innocent stepped out on faith to buy a group of 64 children who were being sold for their organs, knowing that they were $30,000 short. The fundraising came as an answered prayer and the organization was able to bid on the children.
ā€œItā€™s an awesome story just of how God works and how he pulls things together,ā€ said Brummett, who believes that her involvement with Life for the Innocent is an answer to prayer in itself.
ā€œAfter I knew that I wanted to be involved with human trafficking issues, I just literally prayed for God to show me where he was already working and I would meet him there,ā€ Brummett said.
Soon after, she was connected with Life for the Innocent through a mutual friend.
Brummettā€™s team of women raise money through direct donation, as well as through profits from Mary Kay makeup sales. According to Life for the Innocent, the cost of rescuing a child from the trafficking system is roughly $1,040. To Brummett, thatā€™s 450 tubes of lipstick to rescue three children.
Brummett anticipates that her team will continue to grow, moving beyond fundraising into awareness promotion and even into the political realm to make an impact through state policy.
ā€œWeā€™ll speak at schools, clubs, churchesā€”anyone who wants us to come. We try to educate, spread awareness and shed a light on this darkness,ā€ Brummett said.
The womenā€™s fundraising efforts for Life for the Innocent are ongoing, but they will be facilitating special events in February 2014. Stay tuned to HottyToddy.com for further information and ways to help Life for the Innocent. Or to learn more about theĀ Life for the Innocent, visit https://www.lifefortheinnocent.org/.
Call to Action
Join these Oxford-area women in obliterating human trafficking by purchasing Mary Kay hand cream products in February. Profits benefit Life for the Innocent. Call or text Kathy Brummett at 662-801-0225 for more information and to be connected to a consultant.
Brummett will be speaking on human trafficking at the Alpha Omega Christian Student Center on Jackson Avenue (across from Stockard and Martin) at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12th.
– Grace Sullivan, staff writer, HottyToddy.com, gmsulli1@go.olemiss.edu