Oxford Crime Report: Monday, March 9

Oxford police responded to the following incidents: three 911 hang up calls, three fire department assists, two welfare concerns, two malicious mischief, a suspicious activity, a motorist assist, a careless driver, a disturbance, a petit larceny and an animal complaint.

Oxford police investigated three wrecks, issued 26 traffic citations and made three arrests on the following charges: driving with no headlights, a suspended license and with a DUI; a possession of drug paraphernalia; a driving with an expired tag, no car insurance and a suspended driver’s license and also possession of drug paraphernalia.

University police responded to the following incidents: a burglary alarm at Chi Omega house; a justice court warrant served; and a suspicious vehicle at quadrangle.

Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls: a ground transformer fire set off by a semi truck hitting the transformer with its trailer in an attempt to turn behind the Furniture World; a smoke detector activated by workers at the Round Table; a small amount of gas spilled at the Kroger Gas Station; and a smoke detector activated by cooking at 520 North 11th Street.

All photographs and lists in the Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.