Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler Speaks up For Thad Cochran

Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler

The Vassallo Interviews — Steve Vassallo is a contributor who interviews Oxford’s and our region’s leading personalities.
Steve said: “The Mayor of Madison Mary Hawkins Butler is currently the longest serving Republican female Mayor in the United States. Now  in her 34th year! We recently crossed paths while she was en route to DeSoto County for a campaign meeting in support of Sen. Thad Cochran.”….In your own words, what has Thad Cochran meant to the State of Mississippi?
Mayor Butler...”Thad is a national treasure! He is a statesman who has quietly taken care  of the business of Mississippi for decades. He never expects accolades or recognition. He is truly what a public servant should be.”…In the event that Senator Cochran should lose this run-off election, would it be fair  to say that Mississippi has a great deal to lose because of his tenure in the Senate?
Mayor Butler…”Now is not the time to retire Thad. Mississippi has everything to lose. The mindset of those who are accusing Thad that it’s wrong to bring dollars home to Mississippi and want to refuse federal funding is absolutely ludicrous. Without these federal dollars we would be unable to continue funding education, transportation and job creation. Mississippians cannot bear the loss. Local governments AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS cannot make up this revenue loss. What are we going to do, raise taxes?  I don’t think so.” …You are regarded as one of the leading ladies of Republican politics in our state. Why is this election so important to you personally?
Mayor Butler...”This is not about the party, it’s about Mississippi’s future. As a public servant of local government, I know what Thad means to local communities and his love for this state is unprecedented. Without Thad our jobs will be considerably more difficult.”…Why is it so difficult in this era to get people to the polls?
Mayor Butler…”People are tired of government. They are more focused on their day-to-day activities. Mississippi received a wakeup call on June 3rd. We can now lose it all if we do not voice our opinions on June 24th.”….I am somewhat familiar with all that Congressman Jamie Whitten accomplished for Mississippi near the completion of his public service. Do you see a parallel with this election?
Mayor Butler….”Absolutely. Thad’s tenure and seniority are most important to Mississippi and because of our POPULATION, we cannot compete with the other states. We would be doomed.”…The election this past week was one of the closest votes in Mississippi history. What do you attribute this to?
Mayor Butler…”Many of Thad’s supporters thought because he is considered family, this would not be a close race. They assumed this would be a referendum on his accomplishments and as a result did not turn out.”…You are probably the best example in Mississippi regarding longevity in office. How have you dealt with your critics through the years, especially those who have contended that a change was needed?
Mayor Butler…”We had a change in the White House and look what has happened to us. Change is not always positive. Our President has proven that.”…Should the Tea Party prevail in this run-off election, what does this mean for the future of the Republican Party in Mississippi?
Mayor Butler..”Mississippi will be the loser. We will have thrown away the opportunity to be represented by the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in the United States Senate and freely give this advantage to the State of Alabama, whose senator is next in line behind Thad for chairmanship of appropriations. Mississippi will then go to the bottom of the list for all funding.”…What all will the Republican leadership of Madison do within the next two weeks to encourage its citizens (registered voters) to go to the polls on June 24th?
Mayor Butler…”Get the message out to vote and put Mississippi first! We may not always agree, but where we do always agree that Mississippi is first in our hearts (after our Lord and our family) as it is in Thad’s heart. We have to get out the vote and we will.”…You and Senator Cochran have been in office almost the same amount of time. (Thad was elected to the US Senate in 1978. Prior to that he served in the House. Mayor Butler was elected in 1981 and previously was an Alderman in Madison.) From a personal perspective how would you evaluate his overall performance in office?
Mayor Butler…” Thad Cochran is a statesman. He has served his time in office absent any scandals or controversies that would embarrass Mississippi. This is the very first campaign that any negative issues have been raised. His record is spotless! We would not have the infrastructure in Mississippi today had it not been for his leadership and efforts. For our future success it is essential that ‘the man with the pen’ be in a position to change this broken country. Reflecting back on a personal note, I attended his mother’s funeral (Emma Grace) at which Thad gave the eulogy without a note. He said that day that his mother was at peace with Jesus Christ and how he knew God’s word was true. If we fail to return Thad to the United States Senate, this will be the greatest injustice Mississippi could ever imagine.”

Steve Vassallo is a contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie.