Lamar Lounge: Theater of the Pit

Wood | Smoke | Pig from Southern Foodways on Vimeo.

The Oxford-based Southern Foodways Alliance held its first-ever Film Storytelling Boot Camp in conjunction with the Southern Documentary Project (SouthDocs). The three-day crash course showed seven participants how to plan, shoot, and edit a short documentary film.
SFA posted this film, Wood | Smoke | Pig, by Alison Kinney and Caroline Lord, on its website. It shows the filmmakers visiting Oxford’s Lamar Lounge, where they meet owner John Currence, Nick Reppond, and Taariq David to learn about the restaurant’s approach to barbecue.
The Southern Foodways Alliance documents, studies, and celebrates the diverse food cultures of the changing American South. Its mission is to “set common table where black and white, rich, and poor—all who gather—may consider our history and our future in a spirit of reconciliation.”
A member-supported non-profit, based at the University of Mississippi, SFA stages symposia on food culture, produces documentary films, collects oral histories, and publishes compendiums of great writing. Click here for more information.