Holly Springs Pilgrimage Continues to “Plant It Pink” with Annual Luncheon

GSS_BookFrontCover_v1.inddAs part of the “Plant It Pink” initiative with the National Garden Clubs Inc. and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organizations, the Holly Springs Garden Club will again host a special luncheon during the town’s 76th Annual Pilgrimage festivities in April 2014.

The Holly Springs Pilgrimage “Plant It Pink” Annual Luncheon hosts award winning author and HottyToddy.com columnist, Laurie Triplette.
The Holly Springs Pilgrimage “Plant It Pink” Annual Luncheon hosts award winning author and HottyToddy.com columnist, Laurie Triplette.

The luncheon will host special guest Laurie Triplette, HottyToddy.com food columnist and author of the cookbook Gimme Some Sugar, Darlin’ on Friday. During the luncheon, Triplette will talk about how to preserve and document family stories through the family’s recipes.
The National Garden Clubs Inc. and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the largest breast cancer organization, created Plant It Pink, a multi-faceted initiative designed to support Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s mission to save lives and end breast cancer forever.
The local Holly Springs garden club chapter decided to extend this initiative during Pilgrimage week at a seated luncheon served at the Kate Freeman Clark Art Gallery. Each guest will receive a packet of pink flower seeds, and a portion of the luncheon’s proceeds will be forwarded to the National Garden Club’s “Plant It Pink” initiative supporting Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
“We are so excited that our organization can partner with such a worthy cause,” event coordinator Kathy Elgin said. “We encourage everyone to ‘Plant It Pink’ to recognize such an important issue.”
The luncheon will be offered on Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th. Two seatings, 11:30 am and 1:00 pm, are offered each day. The cost is $13.00 per person. Reservations should be made in advance by calling (662) 252-4015 or at www.hollyspringspilgrimage.com, as seating is limited.
–The Media Store, LLC