Gov. Bryant Appears on Fox Business: Gaps in Syrian Refugee Background Checks

Last night, Mississippi Governor, Phil Bryant, appeared on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs to discuss his stance on bringing Syrian refugees to the United States and Mississippi. Yesterday, reported that Gov. Bryant plans to stop the presence of the refugees in the state.


Lou Dobbs interviews Gov. Phil Bryant on Fox Business
Lou Dobbs interviews Gov. Phil Bryant on Fox Business

“Twenty one governors say the Obama administration should halt the acceptance refugees to America,” Lou Dobbs said in his opening remarks on Fox Business. “According to data provided to Fox Business network, since October of last year, nearly 2,000 Syrian refugees have already been ‘bedded and admitted to the United States.”

Gov. Bryant was Dobb’s first guest on the show and the governor made it clear that he and other governors would do everything in their power to stop the pilgrimage of Syrian refugees in their states.

“I hope the President of the United States will begin to listen to the governors who have the initial responsibility of protecting the people within their states,” Gov. Bryant said. “We are concerned as governors and we are going to do all within our power, all that’s humanly possible, to resist these Syrian refugees that are being forced upon us.”

Gaps in Background Checks, 10,000 Could Reach 100,000

According to The HillFBI Director James Comey said there are gaps in the background checks of the refugees.

“My concern is there are certain gaps … in the data available to us,” Comey said about the FBI’s ability to screen the Syrian refugees. “There is risk associated of bringing anybody in from the outside, but specifically from a conflict zone like that.”

Gov. Bryant said he was concerned by the “gaps” that Comey talked about and whether or not the FBI would be able to determine if a person from a small village in Syria would be a threat to the United States.

Gov. Phil Bryant on Fox Business
Gov. Phil Bryant on Fox Business

“These from ISIL, ISIS that have been trained since very early in their childhood to hate, to wish to destroy the United States of America and Israel now could be apart of those 10,000 refugees that are headed this way,” Gov. Bryant said, “and in fact, Secretary of State Kerry was earlier quoted in saying it could reach 100,000.”

Special Statement of Opposition

Since Gov. Bryant’s appearance on Fox Business last night, the number of governors that plan to block Syrian refugees from entering their state has risen to 27. However, some states say they will welcome the refugees. received a special statement from a Wisconsin mayor candidate, Jordan Turner, about how he would handle the situation, regardless that the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, opposes the presence of refugees in Wisconsin.

“Visitors and refugees who are legally admitted into the U.S., and pass Homeland Security and FBI checks will be welcome to our city this April, regardless of what the Governor said today,” Turner said. “Fear is never an appropriate reason to ban an entire group of people who have risked their lives to come here. So long as the U.S. is accepting the refugees, so too, will Watertown.”

Wisconsin is one of the 27 states that plan to persuade the Obama administration to end their plans to bring the refugees overseas.



Emily Newton is a staff writer and editor of Experience Oxford magazine. She is a recent graduate of the Meek School of Journalism and New Media of Ole Miss. Emily can be reached at 

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