Gospel Event Slated Sunday After Double Decker

Festival dovetails into fundraiser for healthy school food initiative

The Good Food for Oxford Schools initiative is spearheading a gospel event on the Sunday following the Double Decker Arts Festival Presented by C Spire to raise funds and awareness for the organization’s mission.

GFOS-logoThe Gospel Choir Showcase fundraiser will highlight some of North Mississippi’s gospel choirs and inform the public about Oxford School District Food Service’s new program Good Food for Oxford Schools, says Project Coordinator Sunny Young. The event will be held the Sunday (April 28) of Double Decker weekend from 3 to 6 p.m. in front of City Hall.

“The event will be free and open to all,” Young says, “but we will be encouraging everyone to donate what they can to the project. ‘Offering plates’ will be passed around to collect donations and a booth will be set up to collect as well. We need to raise $5,000 to send our Oxford High School Food Club leaders to the Rooted in Community summit in Los Angeles this summer.”

Good Food for Oxford Schools increases knowledge of delicious, healthy, fresh, local foods and extends this learning from the classroom to the cafeteria to home.

More information, visit http://www.oxford.k12.ms.us/GFOS

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodfoodforoxfordschools