DeSoto Center to Offer Evening School EMT Program, Other New Classes in Spring

Emergency Medical Technician classes will start at Northwest Mississippi Community College at the Desoto Center in Spring of 2015.
Emergency Medical Technician classes will start at Northwest Mississippi Community College at the Desoto Center in Spring of 2015.

The Evening School at Northwest Mississippi Community College’s DeSoto Center will be offering an Emergency Medical Technology.  Basic program as well as several other new classes and class times during the evening beginning in January 2015, according to Tonyalle Rush, evening school director.
“We are thrilled to be able to bring back the EMT-Basic program during the evenings this spring,” Rush said.
The EMT-Basic program is a 16-week instructional program that prepares individuals in the pre-hospital environment. The program will meet two nights a week on Monday and Thursday from 6-10 p.m. In order to be admitted to the program, students must be at least 18 years old, a high school graduate or hold a GED and have at least an 18 or higher composite ACT score or a 12 or higher on the TABE.
Rush noted that the program will have only limited seats on a first come, first served basis.
“This program is not eligible for a Pell Grant, however a direct student loan can be used to cover the program as long as the student is studying the EMT- Paramedic program,” Rush said.
Rush stated that in addition to the regular evening class times, the school is now offering a 6- 8:45 p.m. slot on some evenings.
Other new academic classes being offered during the evening include Calculus II and Ethics on Tuesdays, 6 – 8:45 p.m. and Theatre Appreciation on Wednesdays, 6:30 – 9:15 p.m.
Two Accounting Technology classes now being offered in the evenings are Computerized Accounting (Quickbooks®) on Wednesdays from 6 – 8:45 p.m. and Income Tax Accounting on Tuesdays, 6 – 8:45 p.m.
For more information on the DeSoto Center evening school spring schedule, contact Rush after 2 p.m. at 662-280-6126 or email
For more information on the evening EMT-Basic Program contact Dr. Tim Williams, director of Student Development at 662.280.6127 or email For more information on the Accounting Technology program at DeSoto Center, contact Patricia Norton, program director at 662-280-6142 or