Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning board of trustees Monday revealed the reason for the 9-2 vote last week not to extend Chancellor Dan Jones’ contract: policy violations regarding spending and contract procurement at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
At the 2:41 mark in the above video, board vice president and Ole Miss alum Alan Perry goes into further detail about why the contract was not renewed for the first time since the vote Thursday.
The Clarion-Ledger caught up with Perry after the meeting Monday.
“We just realized people didn’t know exactly why we had done what we had done, and we decided it needed to be clarified and I tried to clarify it as well as I could. … We had a really good thing going on in Oxford, the campus is doing well, first reaction is why would anybody fire Dr. Jones when Oxford is doing so well? Perhaps we should have said more, but we generally don’t like to talk about personnel matters for the protection of the person involved.”
According to the Clarion-Ledger, who reviewed the audit, “The audit Perry referenced lists several violations: UMMC not getting Board approval for contracts in excess of $250,000, not getting approval for leases in excess of $100,000 and the medical center not being able to produce documents related to contracts the Board and auditors questioned. The audit singled out a gamma knife – a piece of sophisticated medical equipment used to operate on tumors – UMMC bought but had never installed.”
HottyToddy.com staff report