Oxford police responded to the following calls: Three suspicious activity, malicious mischief, six disturbing the peace, five careless driving, abuse of 911, petite larceny, simple assault, theft...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: Four suspicious activity, malicious mischief, disturbing the peace, careless driving, domestic disturbance, fire department assist. Oxford police investigated 11 accidents, 21...
Preview SoirĂ©e: Friday, December 1, 2017, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Exclusive, ticketed pre-shopping event featuring a party with a silent auction and drinks....
Oxford police responded to the following calls: Six alarms, ambulance assist, careless driving, three disturbing the peace, fire department assist, improper parking, K9 Search, malicious mischief, noise...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: 911 hang up, abandoned vehicle, seven alarms, two careless driving, domestic disturbance, forgery, improper parking, lost property, petit larceny, reported...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: Three 911 hang ups, abandon vehicle, 11 alarms, six ambulance assist, five animal complaints, five careless driving, four civil matters,...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: Three alarms, ambulance assist, animal complaint, careless driving, civil matter, two disturbing the peace, two domestic disturbance, two fire department...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: Four alarms, two careless driving, civil matter, credit card fraud, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, lost property, malicious mischief, motorist...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: Abandoned vehicle, two alarms, animal complaint, credit card fraud, two disturbing the peace, domestic disturbance, grand larceny, improper parking, motorist...
Oxford police responded to the following calls: 911 hang up, two alarms, animal complaint, three careless driving, two disturbing the peace, fire department assist, two K9 searches,...