Craig and Peppar Garvin met Alan Jones, affectionately known to all as “JJ,” while he was completing some woodwork in their home in Oxford, Mississippi. This...
More than 60 University of Mississippi staff and students are working to get area eighth-graders thinking about their future at the Imagine the Possibilities Career Expo...
With the cost of hotel rooms in Oxford steadily rising and room availability scarce for game weekends, local residents provide a more intimate alternative for overnight...
SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Big Fish in a Little Pond: Preference for residing in an environment that promotes continued growth … earliest known printed reference possibly...
Oxford, Mississippi, has some hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Oxonians are people who have lived in Oxford for more than 10 years. However, you can not be a true Oxonian...
There are a number of people who work behind the scenes on the University of Mississippi campus. As the new house mother of Alpha Omicron Pi,...
Yesterday evening on a beautiful Friday afternoon, Rebels fans from all around town gathered on the streets of Oxford, from the Ole Miss campus to the...
Oxford oncologist Dr. Dennis Morgan and his son Joshua are preparing for a visit next year to Oaxaca, Mexico, where they will tend to medical needs...
Homecoming at Ole Miss is the week that fans, alumni and families come together to share memories of times past, but not forgotten. Stories can be...
Mary Kathryn “MK” Phillips was always going to be a Rebel. As the daughter of two Ole Miss alumni, Phillips never had much of a choice...