Kim and Steve Lavoie believe “love is not born in the womb, it is born in your heart.” A mission trip to Togo scheduled for the...
When appropriately applied, stress management training can reduce the degree and intensity of your current stress reactions and help you develop skills for preventing additional, harmful...
It is about doing the best you can and seeking excellence no matter what you do in life. The story of Darin Pritchett is an example....
Jesse Yancy is one of the colorful artists that live in the shadow of the literary culture established in Oxford by William Faulkner. Jesse is a...
The Young Professionals of Oxford will host the second annual Our Team, Our Town fundraiser on Sep. 28 at the Lyric. The event is a community-wide tailgate during...
Republic Finance celebrated the opening of their new offices with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, hosted by the Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber. Their office is located at 115B...
The Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber held a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony celebrating the new offices of William G. Hunt and Associates, located at 103A Court House Square. William...
Tre Amici Italia Ristorante, Oxford’s newest Italian restaurant opened its doors with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, hosted by the Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber. It is located at...
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat that circulates in your blood. Cholesterol comes from two sources: Your body makes some cholesterol on its...