JACKSON, Miss. – Building on the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s record of firsts, surgeons transplanted a pancreas and kidney into a 49-year-old man on Thursday...
The cast of the hit reality TV show American Hoggers will sign autographs and meet fans Dec. 14 for two appearances at the Tupelo Gun and...
Fred Carl gave his struggling town a great restaurant, a great book store, an elite hotel and a nationally-known kitchen appliance factory that employed thousands. But...
As a parent, you can help As children with autism grow into teenagers, parents face simple but daunting questions: Will they be able to get a...
Plan allows community college transfers to earn associate’s degree while completing coursework at a four-year college OXFORD, Miss. – Students who begin their college course work...
The holidays can be hard for many people, including those in our own Oxford community. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Mississippi has the highest poverty...
This week, we’re featuring oral histories from the Tennessee leg of our Southern Barbecue Trail. From whole hog to shoulder to ribs, the Volunteer State offers a little bit...
In a dandelion-laden plot of ground just off South Main Street rest the remnants of a dying culture. The headstones in this tiny cemetery share the...
Electronics have become a Christmas gift mainstay, but Santa at our house tells me he plans to introduce our six-year-old to where MP3s began. This Crosley...
By: Tom Freeland, HottyToddy.com, Blogger Yes, I know it’s a label, not a sign. This was how your whiskey, bought from your friendly pharmacist, would have...