Southern Experience

Heaton: 10 Essential Tips for Moving to the South

Embrace Southern hospitality with these essential tips on traditions, food, and customs to help you settle into your new home.

Losing Weight with a Little Help From My Friends at UWMC

Six months ago, I rarely ever talked about my weight or what I thought of my body, not to friends or family, and especially...

Road Trip Reveals Charms of North Mississippi

It was a dreary St. Patrick's Day as staff drove north to check out towns like Olive Branch, Horn Lake, Southaven and Hernando....

Olive Juice on South Lamar Has Nifty Spring Giftys

Shoppers like Carrie Cooper, a busy pharmacist  from Pontotoc, who recently came into Olive Juice are after more than a colorful name. They want highly...

Freeland Building Has Been Oxford Landmark, Law Office Since 1905

Freeland & Freeland and its predecessor firm, James Stone & Sons, have been located at 1013 Jackson Avenue in Oxford since 1905. T. H. Freeland,...

Goose Creek Offers Family Focused Fitness Fun

The Goose Creek Club is a family-focused tennis, swim and fitness complex with something for just about everyone. Avid tennis player? When fully developed, the...

Black Bear Population Growing in Mississippi

Last week, Travis Coopwood, daughter of Ole Miss graduate Scott Coopwood, who is publisher and owner of Delta Magazine and Delta Business Journal, accompanied...

Deal’s Auto Repair Experiences Growth Each Year For Nearly A Decade

When Tony Deal graduated from Ole Miss in 2000, he took a corporate job with a promise to himself he would not follow in...

VIDEO >> Saying Goodbye to Sparky Reardon

This spring one of the most well-known administrators on campus retires after more than 30 years of service. Dean of Students Sparky Reardon is...

Mississippi Has Proud Irish Heritage

Editor's note: Rankin Sherling has a PhD. in history from Queens University in Canada, but he is a Mississippi native and University of Mississippi...

Plastic Surgeon Heals Patients, Finds Purpose in Oxford

  Dr. Dan Shell is a family man and skilled plastic surgeon who believes some people have seen a few too many Nip Tuck episodes. The...