This installment of’s ongoing series on what’s new in Oxford features something sweet, something spicy, something pretty, something transforming and something comfortable. Few things are...
One of the questions often asked in my entrepreneurship classes is “Why do people become entrepreneurs?” After growing up in a family where my father was...
The Ole Miss Army ROTC cadets do so much for the Oxford and Ole Miss communities, including fundraisers, Grove cleanup, chair-back installations, and the Egg Bowl...
Commentary by Steve Vassallo, contributor. Whatever prompted me to write this article remains a mystery. The other morning at 2 a.m., I was wide awake...
UPDATE: Senator Roger Wicker and Secretary of State Delbert Hoseman will speak on Friday at 6:00 p.m. at this fall’s market! Tupelo’s Furniture, Gift & Home...
For those of us who graduated from Oxford High School in the last 40+ years, all attended the same school at 222 Bramlett Blvd. However, the...
In the last year, Oxford and Ole Miss have grown at a dizzying pace. New businesses, real estate developments and city and county upgrades make Oxford...
Karen Lee Simmons of Jackson, Miss. (left), daughter of Jerry and Annette Lee of Oxford, and friends Finney Moore and Susie Puckett were on the set...
With more than $118 million in private support, the University of Mississippi again experienced a record fundraising year, with alumni and friends helping advance the flagship...
Neilson’s Department Store, the South’s oldest department store which opened in 1839, is rearranging its merchandise among its three floors. “We’re always remodeling, always updating,” said...