1961 was a troubled and dangerous time for young black men in Jackson, Mississippi. Despite KKK activity and White Citizens’ Council policing black and white known...
Well into November, the holidays are returning. The Oxonians are heading into the seasons filled with giving and joy. Seeing people from Oxford unite year after...
My heart is breaking. Again. Last Friday, ISIS-affiliated terrorists systematically murdered innocent people going about the business of enjoying a beautiful autumn Friday night in the...
After collecting 473 pairs of shoes for Guatemala children, earning 48 Merit Badges, George Franklin Moak became’s Oxford’s newest Eagle Scout following ceremonies at First Presbyterian...
They danced, pranced, sang and strutted for the judges to earn the crown, but in the end, it was Carol Coker who took the title and...
On Sunday, Nov. 15, at 6 p.m., Wellspring Community Church will have their first service in their newly expanded worship facility, located at 119 Old Taylor...
Every year, large masses of students flood into the farthest corners of Europe, Australia, Africa and all over Asia to check off a major college bucket...
Starbucks released their newest holiday cup to the public on Nov. 3, and since then, it has become an Internet sensation, but not in a positive...
Taylor Shaffet always knew she wanted to be her own boss. In May of 2014, she found the perfect location to open her dream store, Butter...
As a young girl growing up in a Hinds County town called Utica, Mississippi, Corbin Divinity refused to let her shyness keep her from enjoying the...