The first half of “The Rising Place,” by Mississippi author David Armstrong, is set in Mississippi during the Second World War, when the Deep South of...
“The Mirror & the Light,” by Hilary Mantel, concludes a brilliant trilogy of historical novels that revolve around Henry VIII’s most cunning and loyal minister. It...
Movies will once again be shown on the silver screen in Oxford with the reopening of Oxford Commons Cinema Grill in two weeks.
A superb book of military history – the first of a trilogy on how the Second World War raged across the Pacific – “Tower of Skulls,”...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi along with local attorneys recently represented an Oxford filmmaker and artist John Rash in court recently when he was...
In November 1942, at an airstrip in New Guinea, Fifth Air Force commander George Kenney offered a case of Scotch to the first fighter pilot to...
Leaving his one-dimensional form, Quinn Colson will soon come to life on the television screens of homes all over the world.
This weekend the sounds of live music will be heard both on and off the downtown Square with the first Tunes Around Town event kicking off...
After gathering each summer for years to perform works by Bach and other great composers at the Carmel Bach Festival, a group of musicians decided to...
When Austin Smith whittled wood as a child, little did he know that it would turn into a passion that would complement his journey as a...