Conversations south of the Mason-Dixon line will befuddle anyone not born there. We chose 13 of the most ridiculous Southern sayings — and tried to explain them.
Though it should come as no surprise to the tens of thousands of University of Mississippi fans who pack the Grove for seven Saturdays each fall, ESPN has listed the home of Ole Miss Rebels as the country's best college town ahead of the 2021 NCAA football season.
Oxford Community Market is joining the Farmers Market Coalition and markets around the country to celebrate National Farmers Market Week next week to show just how much value markets bring to their communities.
Contributed by Gracyn Ashmore
Joe Young spends his Saturday afternoons once a month servicing the community by working three food pantries and delivering food free...
By Vickie King
Mississippi Today
About 75 people gathered to honor the life of Medgar Evers on Saturday — exactly 58 years after he was assassinated...
The Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation hosted the 4th annual award-winning Landscaping Camp recently.
The event was a sellout with 50 campers attending from...
By Brownie FutrellContributer
When the subject is barbecue, there is actually very little that we Americans can agree upon.We agree, at least in the South,...