Shrimp and grits recognized among the best in bacon. Big surprise: A John Currence restaurant made a list of the best of something, and bacon is...
Tyler Keith film Jesus is My Rock looks at passing traditions through music. Jesus is My Rock: A Celebration of Gospel Music in Oxford and Lafayette...
Leadership Lafayette service project presents submitted films. A screening and reception of the films submitted for the OxFilm Challenge is tonight at the Lyric Theater in...
Proceeds to support Lady Chargers Softball Team The Oxford High School Lady Chargers Softball Team will host their ninth annual, 4-Man Scramble Golf Tournament at The...
In remarks delivered last Thursday on ESPN, Ole Miss Basketball Coach Andy Kennedy reports that Marshall Henderson is doing what he has been asked to do...
Feel warm and fuzzy with these peach-forward recipes. By Laurie Triplette SOUTHERNISM OF THE WEEK Peachy (also peachy keen): Just fine. Great. Dandy. Swell. Wonderful. Arranged...
A man poses with Capt’n Catfish, mascot of the Catfish Farmers of America, in the Grove during the 2008 Presidential debate. The debate, held at the...
By Ronnie Agnew, blogger The Travon Martin story is every black man’s story. That there is surprise at Black America’s reaction to the Trayvon Martin...
The city of Oxford is looking into two possible sites for a new parking garage, according to Oxford City Manager Tim Akers. “The city has hired...
Fowler, Schiavone conclude play at Pure Silk Team Championship Ole Miss women’s golfers Kathryn Fowler and Stani Schiavone shot 4- and 6-over-par, respectively, in the final...