The Oxford Police Department arrested the driver of the getaway car that left the scene of a shooting at Buffalo Wild Wings two weeks ago. According...
“Thinking of Home: Falkner House and Rowan Oak,” a 25-minute documentary on Faulkner family life in Oxford directed by Deborah Freeland and produced by Kathleen Wickham,...
An investigation into a rash of vehicle burglaries and a home burglary led investigators with the Oxford Police Department to make three arrests Monday. According to...
The following reports were made Nov. 19, 2019, by city, university and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise noted. Oxford Police Department issued 27 tickets, investigated...
By Alyssa Schnugg News editor Before Oxford Mayor Robyn Tannehill could finish reading the agenda item, Alderman Janice Antonow jumped at the chance to make...
By Jillian McGann and Sabyius Boggan Journalism students; While the state of Mississippi may be behind the times when it comes to women’s volleyball,...
By Julia Peoples HottyToddy.Com intern The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council is ringing in the holiday season with several fundraisers they hope will raise the majority of...
By Alyssa Schnugg News editor Lafayette County residents who cast their votes at the Abbeville Town Hall will have a new precinct for all upcoming...
By Alyssa Schnugg News editor A moratorium on new development in the service area of the Punkin Water Association was lifted Monday by the Lafayette...
By Alyssa Schnugg News editor The weekend was a busy one for local police in Oxford, but nothing they weren’t prepared for during a home...