The documentary “Robert Penn Warren: A Vision,” by the award-winning filmmaker Tom Thurman, will be featured at the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics on...
Organizers for the St. Jude Taste of Oxford event said they are hoping to raise $600,000 Thursday at their annual event. The event, which benefits St....
The following reports were made Feb. 18, 2020 by city and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise indicated. Oxford Police Department issued 11 tickets, investigated five...
The following reports were made Feb. 14-17, 2020, by city, university and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise noted. Oxford Police Department issued 73 tickets, investigated...
Two Alcorn State University students died Monday after being shot south of Port Gibson. According to the Mississippi Bureau of Investigations, at about 11:45 p.m. Monday,...
The following reports were made Feb. 11, 2020, by city, university and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise noted. Oxford Police Department issued nine tickets, investigated...
Two nationally known journalists who specialize in the coverage of religion will visit the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 5:30...
Barbara Joan Smith, 80, died peacefully at her home on Feb. 10, 2020. The funeral service will be Friday, Feb. 14, 2020, at 11 a.m. in...
The following reports were made Feb. 10, 2020, by city, university and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise noted. Oxford Police Department issued 25 tickets, investigated...
By Tavia Moore intern Hill Country Roots, a local service organization, has developed an initiative to plant trees throughout the city of Oxford and...