
7 Funny Things Southerners Say About Cold Weather

Judging the weather based on numerical temperatures is boring. Besides, if it’s 35 or 40 degrees, who can tell the difference? Southerners love a...

Oxford Film Festival Launches Virtual Art House

The Oxford Film Festival launched a new Virtual Art House today alongside Film Movement with five feature films available to stream. The festival will receive...

Staying at Home During COVID-19 Outbreak Keeping Crime Down

By Alyssa Schnugg News editor alyssa.schnugg@hottytoddy.com With Oxford and Lafayette County citizens doing their part in preventing the spread of COVID-19 by staying home, self-quarantining and social...

Online Classes Running Smoothly in Week One, Per UM

http://youtu.be/Sg4k3nRUjpA This story was contributed to by Annie Sharp (agsharp@go.olemiss.edu). It's the first week of all online classes at Ole Miss. The university joined thousands of...

Frist Awards Recognize Exceptional Service to Students

Editor's Note: To nominate a faculty or staff member for a Frist award, please follow this link. With so many college students away from home...

Opinion: Pandemic Shows Over-regulated, Under-embraced Innovation in MS

By Hunter Estes Mississippi Center for Public Policy As a deadly virus has spread across the nation, many of us have been forced to embrace alternative...

Lafayette County Reporting 10 COVID-19 Cases; State Jumps to 485

As of this morning, the Mississippi State Department of Health is reporting 108 new cases of COVID-19 in the state since yesterday. The total number...

Local Pizzeria Owner Establishes Restaurant Workers Relief Center

By Luke Little Hottytoddy.com intern lblittle@go.olemiss.edu As city regulations force the closing of many restaurants and other stores due to the coronavirus outbreak, Dodo Pizza is striving...

Governor’s Order Does Not Require Changes to Oxford Ordinances

By Alyssa Schnugg News editor alyssa.schnugg@hottytoddy.com During a special called meeting of the Oxford Board of Aldermen Wednesday, Mayor Robyn Tannehill said she was not recommending any...

Anxiety Over COVID-19 Felt by People of All Ages

By Alyssa Schnugg News editor alyssa.schnugg@hottytoddy.com Dealing with COVID-19 and preventing the spread means doing certain things to keep yourself healthy -- washing hands, staying home and...

Ole Miss Student-Athlete Development Responds Quickly Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

The world over is struggling to cope with the change and uncertainty that the Coronavirus pandemic has brought forth. The realm of collegiate athletics...