
7 Funny Things Southerners Say About Cold Weather

Judging the weather based on numerical temperatures is boring. Besides, if it’s 35 or 40 degrees, who can tell the difference? Southerners love a...

Pedal for Patriots Raises Money for Navy SEALs

"I was given a tour of the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado, California," Christian Fitzgerald, the brilliant mind behind Pedal for Patriots, said....

Oxford’s VaporWize: Keep Calm and Vape On

Vaping has become a huge phenomenon across the world. People are throwing out their cigarette cartons and investing in vaporizers. VaporWize was founded in...

Oxford’s ‘Vision 2037’ Comprehensive Plan Looks toward Town Bicentennial

Over 100 people attended the kick-off meeting for Vision 2037 — Oxford’s Growth & Development Plan Tuesday at the Oxford Conference Center. The project...

Oxford Crime Report: Tuesday, March 31

Allen Vaughn – Credit Card Fraud On Monday, March 30, 2015, investigators of the Oxford police department arrested Allen Vaughn, 51 years old of Oxford,...

3 Unique Easter Ideas to Enjoy with Friends and Family

Easter is an ideal reminder that Spring has sprung. Creating colorful and vibrant eggs is a tradition most parents keep alive and many children...

Ole Miss to Participate in the Virtual Career Fair

A little over 100 potential employers at your fingertips, ready to chat face-to-face online with job-seekers, sounds like a dream career fair. Now, the...

Negotiations Ongoing with Chancellor Dan Jones, IHL Trustees

After Mississippi's Institutions of Higher Learning board of trustees met Friday exclusively in executive session with no public statement after the meeting, little headway...

Going ‘Krogering’ Will Soon be a Different Shopping Experience for Oxford Area

Before long when customers go "Krogering," they’re going to be doing it in a much larger and more versatile store. Construction on the new...

FNC Park to Host 2016 Admiral Cup Next April

FNC Park, home of the Oxford Soccer Club, has been awarded the bid by the Mississippi Soccer Association to host the 2016 Admiral Cup...

Ole Miss Phi Delt Allegedly Seen Biting off Hamster’s Head Removed from Frat

A disturbing and graphic video has surfaced a week after the University of Mississippi celebrated spring break of a student orally decapitating an allegedly...