
7 Funny Things Southerners Say About Cold Weather

Judging the weather based on numerical temperatures is boring. Besides, if it’s 35 or 40 degrees, who can tell the difference? Southerners love a...

Mitchell: Solar Power Tested in State; Net Metering on the Horizon

Among Mississippi’s abundant blessings — and the state is abundantly blessed — is sunshine. The Magnolia State has great soil, lush forests, abundant wildlife and...

All About that Trash: Lafayette Country Libertarian Party Regularly Picks up Litter on Hwy. 6

Picking up highway trash may not seem like a political statement, but for the Lafayette Count Libertarians, it is a way to demonstrate the...

Ole Miss Softball Host Southern Miss Doubleheader Wednesday

The Ole Miss softball team will continue its 13-game home stand on Wednesday, hosting the Golden Eagles of Southern Miss in a doubleheader beginning...

Cleveland: USM’s Sunday Starter James McMahon ‘Special’

It's not quite correct to say that James McMahon of Southern Miss came out of nowhere to become one of the nation's best pitchers...

Top 10 Secret Southern Sayings

Siri must be from Jersey. While attempting find “Pecan” Street with my iPhone (that’s “puh-cahns," not “pee-cans”) and finding myself at a medical supply...

Drone Journalism & Marketing: the Possibilities are Endless

The Meek School of Journalism and New Media received a donation from HottyToddy.com that offers endless possibilities to the fields of journalism and integrated...

Ole Miss First Pitch Wednesday against UT-Martin Moved to 3 p.m.

Due to expected inclement weather Wednesday night, first pitch for the baseball game between Ole Miss and Tennessee-Martin has been moved up from its...

Oxford’s Olden Days: Blind Jim Ivy, Honorary Dean of Freshman

A great many Ole Miss fans will remember the booming voice of Rebel cheers that were led by Blind Jim Ivy. For over fifty-eight years...

Cleveland Clinic: Feeling Tired? It May Not Be From Lack of Sleep

The content and information below is republished with permission from the Cleveland Clinic. We all get tired every once in a awhile. But sometimes that run-down feeling...

Adams: Reflections from the Memorial Service for the Super Hero Lauren Hill

There was a memorial for Lauren Hill last night. Thousands came out to the basketball arena in Cincinnati where she scored that basket back...