The University of Mississippi Army ROTC Program nominated Engineering Assistant Dean Marni Kendricks from the 6th Brigade to attend the U.S. Army Summer Cadet Training Leadership...
NEMUS Bioscience, Inc. announced the signing of a research agreement with the University of Mississippi (UM) to study and conduct research and development on cannabidiol (CBD)...
University of Mississippi Medical Center administrators named five faculty members to receive Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professorships, an honor recognizing significant research accomplishments and excellence in...
Mississippians love their personal listening devices – be it a cell phone in hand, a tablet or computer, or a digital music player – and the...
The University of Mississippi’s Delta Delta Delta (more commonly known as Tri Delt) chapter needs help from the Ole Miss family in raising support for St....
Oxford Film Festival adopted a new Board of Directors that is hard at work organizing the 2016 festival. The Board reviewed the impact of the festival...
The Oxford Flea and Oxford Maker’s Market both postponed their appearance during the July 4 weekend to this weekend where they will be joining Mid-Town Farmers...
Numerous University of Mississippi students can recall long hours waiting for their parking decals at the University of Mississippi, but this summer the returning university students...
Patricia Neely-Dorsey writes poetry in celebration of her Southern heritage in Mississippi. Here are a few selected poems to enjoy this summer’s weekend in the Deep...
The U.S. Senate today resumes consideration of major education reform legislation that got a boost Wednesday with unanimous approval of an amendment sponsored by U.S. Senator...