The next installment in ESPN Films’ SEC Storied series, “The Rebel,” will premiere on Tuesday, May 30, at 9 p.m. ET on SEC Network. The film...
Over 360 high school students gathered in the Grove this morning to kick-off the Mississippi American Legion Boys State week. Students come from all over the...
The 64-team field has been set for the 2017 NCAA baseball tournament, and missing from the field is the Ole Miss Rebels. After an early exit...
By Bonnie Brown (Pictured Above) As did many others, I watched the Academy Awards back in February and heard Grammy Award recipient and Rock and...
My father kept a diary during the Second World War. For three years now, writing a book based on it, I have been living with the...
Seven University of Mississippi programs are better equipped to enhance the student experience, thanks to the generosity of the Ole Miss Family Leadership Council. More than...
Ole Miss sophomore Braden Thornberry fired a 3-under par 69 in the third round of stroke play to advance to the championship round of stroke play...
They allow humans on the @voltataverna deck!!! #goldenretriever #ilovegolden_retrievers #dogsofinstgram #oxfordms #dad #dogsondecks ?: @greatdying A post shared by FOX Freeman-Smith (@foxthegolden) on May 27,...
May 29, 2017 “They were lawyers, trained to argue five sides of every issue.”—John Grisham, The Firm “The Mississippi Book of Quotations” by David Crews was...
Earlier today, a service was held at Paris-Yates Chapel to honor the life of Carolyn Ellis Staton who passed away Friday, May 19 at the age...