Cash Saver Chefs Provide LOU Community with Warm, Home-Cooked Meals

By Emily Durham and Courtney Zeidner interns

The Deli in Larson’s Cash Saver, also known as Bubba’s Kitchen, uses fried chicken and fixings to unite locals and guarantee an authentic southern experience from the beginning to the end of the hot bar.

The ladies behind the hot bar at Larson’s Cash Saver Deli. These women deliver consistent food and smiles to everyone who walks through the store. Photo by Mark Larson.

The hot bar’s namesake “Bubba’s Kitchen” is a rather tender one.

“Many of our recipes we use in both stores came from my grandmother’s cookbooks. We all called her ‘Bubba,’ and that’s why our delis are called Bubba’s Kitchen,” Brent Larson, Larson’s Cash Saver owner, said.

This genuine cuisine is a staple for many locals. Most of the lunchtime customers come during their breaks because they know the food is reliable.

“Many [customers] have a limited amount of time to come and get, what they would call, a healthy lunch…something different from fast food that is home-cooked,” Larson said.

There is always hustle and bustle at the hot bar during lunchtime. People come from all over town to wait in line for the authentic food.

“People are usually here waiting on lunch as soon as breakfast ends,” Larson said.

Bubba’s Kitchen is always stocked with fresh, authentic southern food. Photo provided by Mark Larson.

The Deli is a Sunday tradition for many Oxford locals.

“I heard about it from the guy that I work for so I decided to try it. The food was good so I have kept coming back,” said Shandra Ball, Larson’s Deli customer.

Larson believes the quality of the food and the dedication from the staff set them apart from other lunch spots in town.

“We try not to cut any corners. We double bread our chicken and we do things that a lot of places don’t do. There are so many people that can do fried chicken and everybody’s got their own little recipe, we’re just different from everybody else,” Larson said.

Customers said they consistently come back for the low prices and full, southern soul food plates.

“I order mac and cheese, wedge potatoes, and chicken. It’s just all so good,” Ball said.

Not only are the customers loyal to Bubba’s Kitchen, employees are dedicated to what they do as well.

“We just had a cook retire after 40 years of working here. She had been working here 40 years without interruption,” Larson said.

The Deli employees put their heart and soul into their job. They especially love meeting different customers down the line, they said.

“I just love serving the customers. That’s what I’m all about. Being respectful and being well-mannered. The customers teach me different things that I never knew about,” said Shona Johnson, Larson’s Deli employee.

During the holidays, the store helps give back to the community.

“We work with the Ole Miss football team. They always come in and they buy groceries to feed several families at Christmas every year and they really get a lot of attention when they do that. They’re great when they come to us each year,” Larson said.

Grabbing a hot plate for lunch has become a tradition for many in Lafayette County. As word continues to travel to students and other residents, the Cash Saver Deli continues to rise in popularity.

“We see the same people in here just about every day, but we add people all the time,” Larson said.