Brower Mitchell: Rebels Roll over 'Bama
What an exciting game! Ole Miss rolled over the Crimson Tide!
My Yankee neighbors must have heard my load groans and yells — where was the penalty flag? — followed by some cheers, Hallelujahs and finally Hotty Toddy!
I immediately called my LSU cousin to repeat “Hotty Toddy,” and he claimed he had his hand on his phone to call me with a snotty comment. Just wait. I hope those Rebels can once again tame the LSU Tigers. Remember, the Rebels captured the Memphis ones!
Then I sat down and e-mailed some Ole Miss buddies: Hotty Toddy! What a game! Wish I had been there!
I chuckled at the return comments, especially from those who, like me, had been there in the glory of the 1962 team. That was a rough fall — first U.S. Marshals surrounding the Lyceum, check points around the campus and Army troops camped out in the Grove and on the football field. Being ranked No. 1 was like a little bit of heaven here on earth back then. Unfortunately, some of the guys who made that possible are no longer with us.
But I digress. Back to those return e-mail comments.
“Unbelievable. The goal posts were seen being carried around the Square!”
“Wasn’t that wonderful?? Loved it and I, too, wish that we had been there.”
“Wasn’t that loverly?”
“Me, too! Love me some Rebels…oops, Rebel Black Bears!!”
“We could have gone with our son, but we told him to let his girls go with our tickets.”
“We gave our tickets to the grandkids. The little stinkers were offered $1,600 for each on Friday night. Unlike them, I would have taken the cash, bought some hooch and enjoyed a great seat on the couch.”
“Been a long time since we played that good!”
And from my East High School (Memphis) friend who was president of the student government at Alabama (1962-1963) came a gracious “Congratulations.” However, he admitted he was glad he wasn’t at the game: “It was bad enough in front of my TV.” He then added, “Please beat Mississippi State.”
Sidna Brower Mitchell is a HottyToddy.com contributor and formercan be reached via email at sbmcooks@aol.com.