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Blog: The 1840’s Before Opening The University: The Board of Trustees



Ole Miss was chartered by the Mississippi Legislature on February 24, 1844. Shortly thereafter, a Board of Trustees was appointed. It consisted of these persons: J. Alexander Ventress, John A. Quitman, William L. Sharkey, Alexander M. Clayton, William Y. Gholson, Jacob Thompson, Pryor Lea, Edward C. Wilkinson, James M. Howry, John X. McCaughan, Reverend Francis Hawkes, J. N. Waddel, and A. H. Pegues. Members of the Board held their first meeting in Jackson, Mississippi, on January 15, 1845. The founding of a new university was a big task, and it is interesting to learn of the actions that took place before classes at a new university could begin.

Minutes of the first meetings of the Board:

At a meeting of the Board, convened at the Capitol of the State, on the 15th day of January 1845 present John A Quitman, William L. Sharkey, Alexander M. Clayton, James M. Howry, Edward C. Wilkinson, A. H. Pegues, and Pryor Lea– John A. Quitman was appointed Chairman, and Pryor Lea Secretary pro tempore.

On motion of Mr. Clayton, Ordered, that a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to report, as early as practicable, a System of Bye-Laws, for the Government of the Board. Messrs. Clayton, Howry, and Lea were appointed to be on said committee–to which, on motion of Mr. Sharkey, the Chairman was added.

The Board then adjourned until Friday morning 9 o’clock,

Friday: The Board met pursuant to adjournment–present as before. Mr. Clayton, from the Committee on Bye-Laws reported the following–

Bye-Laws for the Organization and Government of the Trustees of the University of Mississippi.

1. The Officers of the Corporation shall consist of President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of three trustees.

2. All the Officers shall be elected by ballot annually at the Meetings of the Board in January, and shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall be elected.

3. In case of a failure of any regular meeting in January, the Officers shall be elected at the next meeting thereafter.

4. The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Board, and shall have- power at any time, with the consent of two trustees to call a meeting of the Board– but an extraordinary meeting of the Board may be held at Oxford at any time, on the call of any five members.

5. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, or in his absence, the Board may appoint any one of their number President pro-tem.

6. The Offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be vested in one person.

7. The Secretary shall record in a well bound book all the proceedings of the Board, preserve files of all papers belonging to the Corporation, and deliver the same to his successor. In case of a vacancy in the Office, or in the absence of the Secretary, the Board may appoint one of their number Secretary pro tem.

8. The Treasurer shall take charge of and keep, under the direction of the Board, such moneys, funds, or evidences of debts and claims, as may from time to time be committed to his charge by resolution of the Board. He shall keep regular accounts of all his receipts and disbursements, and lay before the Board at each stated meeting a full report of his proceedings and accounts.

9. Before entering upon the duties of his Office, the Treasurer shall enter into bond, with sureties to be approved of by the President, in the sum of Five thousand dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office, and will account for all moneys, which may come to his hands–which bond shall be payable to the Corporation, and be kept by the President.

10. The Secretary and Treasurer shall semiannually, and immediately after each stated meeting of the Board, transmit to the Office of the Secretary of State, certified transcripts of the proceedings of the Board, and of the accounts of the Treasurer, to be there filed.

11. The person acting as Secretary and Treasurer, as a compensation for his services, shall receive an annual salary of two hundred and fifty dollars, payable semi-annually, and to commence at such time as the Board shall hereafter direct.

12. The Executive Committee shall have such powers; and perform such duties, as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Trustees. In case of a vacancy in their number, the President shall have power to appoint a trustee to fill such vacancy until the next election, and in all cases a majority of said committee may act. Said Committee shall keep a journal of their proceedings, and report the same to the Board of trustees at every meeting.

13. No portion of the moneys or funds of the University of Mississippi, or of the Seminary fund, which now is or may hereafter be placed in the State Treasury, shall be withdrawn therefrom, except in pursuance of a resolution adopted by a majority of the whole number of the trustees–and the vote on the passage of such resolution shall always be taken by yeas and nays, and entered on the Journal– and all moneys so drawn from the State Treasury shall be placed in the hands of the Treasurer of the University before disbursement.

14. No money shall be paid by the Treasurer of the University, except on the warrant or written order of a majority of the Executive Committee, or of the President. Every such warrant or order shall be issued in pursuance of a resolution of the Board, and shall specify the particular expenditure for which it is drawn.

ttab_394313a15. The Seal of the Corporation shall be procured and kept by the President, and shall have the words, “University of Mississippi,” engraved around the margin, with an Eye in the centre.

16. No contract for the erection of the University buildings shall be valid, unless the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.

17. The stated meetings of the Board shall be held

at Oxford on the second Mondays in July & January, except that, when the stated meeting in January occurs during the Regular Session of the Legislature, such meeting shall be held at Jackson.

18. As soon as the buildings shall be in a sufficient state of preparation, the Board of trustees shall prescribe a plan of education, employ teachers, and provide all rules and regulations necessary and proper for the Institution. Additional Bye-Laws, not inconsistent with these, may be adopted at any meeting of the Board–but these shall not be altered without the concurrence of a majority of the whole number of trustees–and on any such alteration the yeas and nays shall be taken and recorded.


To meet contingent expenses for the present, the President shall be authorised to receive from the State Treasurer, on account of interest due on the Seminary fund, the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars, which sum, or the balance that may remain unexpended, shall be paid to the Treasurer of the University when he shall have given bond.

Which report was received, read, and adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board.

On motion of Mr. Howry, The Board proceeded to the election of a President–and on counting out the ballots it appeared that Mr. Clayton was duly elected–who thereupon took the Chair.

Mr. Howry presented the resignation of William Y. Gholson, as a trustee of the University, which was accepted–and thereupon Thomas H. Williams, of Pontotoc, was selected to fill the vacancy.

The Board then proceeded to the election of a Secretary & Treasurer, and an Executive Committee–Whereupon Mr. Williams was elected Secretary and Treasurer–and Messrs. Howry, Pegues, and Quitman the Executive Committee. Mr. Williams being absent, Mr. Lea was appointed Secretary pro tem.

On motion of Mr. Quitman,

1. Resolved, that the President be requested to procure from the State Treasurer a Statement of the funds in his hands belonging to the University of Mississippi, and of the amount of interest due thereon to the 1st of January instant–and to procure and lay before the Board such information in relation thereto as he may think advisable.

2. Resolved, that the Secretary & Treasurer be authorised and required to procure a safe or iron chest for the safe-keeping of the moneys and effects, which may be committed to his charge–and that the Executive Committee be authorised, on the certificate of the Treasurer, to draw an order on the Treasurer for the expense of the same.

3. Resolved, that the President be authorised to contract for the printing in pamphlet form of One hundred copies of the Bye-Laws–One copy of which shall be transmitted to each Trustee–ten copies be forwarded to the Governor–and the remainder be deposited with the Secretary of the University.

On motion of Mr. Howry,

Resolved, that William Nichols, architect, be invited, by the Secretary pro tem, to attend a meeting of the Board at 3 ½ o’clock P.M.

The Board then adjourned until 3 1/2 o’clock P.M. At which time the President presented the following report from the State Treasurer.

“The State of Mississippi in account with the Seminary Fund by this amount of principal & interest up to the 26th July 1843, in conformity with the Statute passed at the July Session 1843……. $61,718.05.

By this amount for interest at 8 per cent per annum from 26th July 1843 to the 26th July 1844 ………$4,937.44

By net amount received between July 26th 1843, and the 26th July 1844 …… $13,065.58

By net amount received 15th August1844…$10,177.02

Total $89,898.09

The above sum of Eighty nine thousand eight hundred and ninety eight 09/100 dollars has been recd. in Auditor’s

Warrants & cancelled. There is no cash on hand belonging to that fund.

W. Clark

State Treasurer”

Gerald W. Walton HeadshotGerald W. Walton was born in Neshoba County, Mississippi, on September 11, 1934. He graduated from Dixon High School and attended East Central Community College for two years. He graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1956 and enrolled that fall at the University of Mississippi, where he received his master’s and Ph.D. degrees. After serving as an instructor for three years, he became an assistant professor of English in 1962 and was later promoted to associate and full professor. He served as Director of the Freshman English Program, Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on three occasions, and Provost. He retired in 1999 and continues to live in Oxford.



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    whose side would draw level on points with leaders Liverpool with a win. Ryan Harris had Chris Tremlett caught by George Bailey at short leg for seven. it is England – 3-0 victors in the corresponding series three months ago – with all the headaches. The full UK cabinet will meet in Aberdeen – only the second time in more than 90 years it will have met in Scotland. Gordon Brown, Anti-government view: The case against the pro-government militia One woman, out of earshot of military minders said Syrian soldiers were in the village that day and that some had apologised that “others acted without orders” Asked why the soldiers didn’t protect the villagers she said: “They were together they are dressed in the same uniform They were mixed” The (SOHR) a UK-based activist group blames pro-government gangs often referred to as Shabiha It described how some victims were “burnt inside their homes while others were killed with knives” and other weapons wielded by gunmen loyal to President Bashar al-Assad SOHR said it had also received reports that whole families were executed – one of them made up of 32 members Although accounts of the sequence of events vary a number of sources describe how security forces entered the village around midday They describe how buses carrying the military drove to the outskirts of the village before soldiers disembarked and blocked all routes in and out It is claimed that soldiers then went from house to house conducting what appeared to be arrest operations and took a number of people away for questioning on the outskirts of the village Some were later released Some sources tell how gunmen then came back into the village an hour or so later and began killing – executing people and burning their bodies Online testimony identifies the attackers as Shabiha and some of those accused of carrying out the killings are even named on social media Others have also questioned why the atrocities which villagers said took hours weren’t stopped by those at the military base which was located just around the corner Forensic pathologist’s view Forensic pathologist Professor Derrick Pounder who watched the BBC’s footage in detail confirmed that multiple victims appeared to have been shot in their homes in the village There was also evidence of the burning of buildings and corpses as well as robbery he said The bloodstain evidence suggested that the scene was a couple of days old when the BBC team arrived he explained and there were also signs of disturbance at the scene suggesting one or more people had returned after the initial attack Watching the footage from the two compounds Prof Pounder concluded most of the victims had been shot before being burnt Blood trails and bullet holes in one kitchen also appeared to show three people – possibly in a crouching position – were shot and dragged away shortly after their deaths Prof Pounder also suggested that smoke from the fires would have drawn attention to those carrying out the killings – unwise in a combat situation The nature of the killings therefore suggested a “sense of impunity on the part of the perpetrators” he said In addition there appeared to be little benefit in torching properties or bodies he explained other than to terrorise the population since the fires did little to conceal the crimes that had been committed One possible reason why some bodies were left behind while others had been removed could have been that the fires were still smouldering at that time Prof Pounder said Produced by Lucy Rodgers Kate Benyon-Tinker Chris Lawton and Salim Qurashi However,000 workers, In non-parliamentary democracies, a town of 40.

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    ” Laird said. little girls in my country would not be in school and we would not have the courage to demand change for women” It was then I began to think: The US has made an enduring and in many cases life-changing impact in a country with so few resources But too few people in the US know this inspiring narrativeThen a national security fellow at Harvard I thought a lot about US involvement around the globe and the implications that had on public opinion For many Americans it has been difficult to justify the loss of blood and our national treasure and the waste of scarce resources especially during a time when so much is needed right here in the USDespite the grim evidence of waste and fraud there is a silver lining in Afghanistan More than 4 million children mostly girls are attending school as a result of US capacity-building efforts CNN published an article that reported Afghanistan was a country where only 6 percent of women 25 and older had formal education Current trends suggest that number will triple in the next decadeLike a pebble thrown into a pond the ripple effect has already carried over to PakistanMalala Yousafzai is a 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head last Oct 9 by members of the Taliban The Taliban wanted to silence her for promoting the education of women Malala was a toddler when US forces arrived in Afghanistan For Malala and many others like her in the region going to school was akin to a death march each dayAccording to a United Nations report there were more than 185 documented attacks on schools and hospitals in Afghanistan last year and the majority were attributed to armed groups opposed to educating females To thwart the desire to attend school attackers in Afghanistan and Pakistan frequently target girls ages 7 to 12 sometimes with brutal acid attacks and deadly bombings but these girls still take the riskThe hope in Afghanistan rests with its women and the new generation of girls not only in that country but regionallyMore than 20 percent of Afghanistan’s Parliament seats are held by women albeit through a mandate The Parliament proposed legislation to end violence against women and a woman might run in next year’s presidential electionStill don’t believe in the ripple effect Well Malala was awarded the 2013 International Children’s Peace Prize The news has spread throughout the region My hope is that the news will inspire women around the world to become involvedThat week in Cambridge left an indelible impression on me and taught me how to see the world differently Before I would have seen those women as victims but now I know they are leadersGlennie Burks of Grand Prairie is a commissioned officer in the Army and a Community Voices volunteer columnist His email address is geb19062000@yahoocom Dewhurst’s ad says that Patrick changed his name to “hide from the debts.The breakthrough is not just that the handover of Syrian chemical weapons would remove them as an option for the government to use against it’s own people. biting,S. I love Texas too. They need some new bushes to replace their lost ones. Lee has battled injuries throughout his career.“I’m still grappling with what’s in the national security interest of the United States, 2300 West Freeway.

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