Blog: New Year, New You: Setting Goals to Become Healthy & Strong in 2020

The end of the year is fast approaching and now is the time to examine what you want to improve.

As we close the chapter on 2019, take some time to reflect on what you can do differently or explore ways that you can enhance your experience in the new year. Life is meant to be a balance of work, personal responsibilities and experiences that bring joy to your life. Yes, joy.

Take a mindful approach to examining your life and making personal goals. You will become more involved in the direction your life is taking, rather than taking a passive approach that allows other forces or people to dictate your purpose and joy.

Most people make New Year’s resolutions in order to improve the quality or experience of their life. It makes sense, because no one wants to look back on their life with regret for not living the best life possible. This reflection forces you to seek improvement and take positive action.

What could you improve?

Maybe it’s finding work-life balance through exercise or spending more time with family. Perhaps it’s personal growth by learning a new hobby or finding the courage to step outside your comfort zone to enhance your career or personal life. It could even mean taking better care of your emotional and physical health to improve your overall wellbeing.

We all know that tomorrow isn’t promised – so why stay stuck in a mental or physical state that isn’t improving your life?

Believe in yourself and your ability to conquer your goals. Once you do this, you will understand the importance of your personal growth and take responsibility for increasing your happiness.

How are you seeking improvement and taking action in 2020? Share your goals and action plans with me on Facebook or Twitter.

Happy Holidays!

A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Amy Pietrowski is an Oxford-based attorney at Pietrowski Law Practice, working primarily in DUI Defense, Criminal Defense and Family Law. She can be reached at View her complete bio here.