A new year means a fresh start to set goals and improve on some flaws, and many people make New Year’s resolutions to focus on improving their health and fitness.
“People start thinking more about their health,” Oxford native and GNC manager Lindsay Bryant says. “It’s not just about ‘I have to lose weight’ or ‘I have to get back on track,’ it’s ‘Maybe I should be better to myself.’”
This year, Bryant has a few tips and products to help get you started on your path to a healthier 2015.
1. Take your vitamins. GNC’s supply of vitamins all are inspected thoroughly before hitting the shelves, and Bryant says her store has some of the most respected vitamins in the industry.
“We go to the grocery store, and the land that food came from has been plowed over and over and over, and after a while, the soil isn’t as nutrient and the vitamin deposits are diminished,” Bryant says. “Even for those people who are eating four or five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, which is almost unheard of in Mississippi, still aren’t getting what they were 60 years ago.”
2. Healthy diet products do exist. The most popular products are dedicated to belly fat and weight loss, and these products focus on natural ingredients and concepts, such as slowing down the release of cholesterol to burn more fat or leveling blood sugars to decrease appetite. Olio, a conjugated linoleic acid product, is Bryant’s top suggestion for those looking to lose a little weight before summer.
3. More protein. Protein is important for athletes and non-athletes alike. GNC has a wide range of powdered, liquefied, and edible protein supplement options to help people get a little extra mixed with their daily foods.
“Most people don’t get enough protein in their diet, and it’s the most prevalent thing in your body outside of water. Your hair, your skin, your muscles — they all need it,” Bryant says. “If you don’t get enough through food sources, that’s a good first-of-the-year thing, because not only does it build muscle but it repairs muscle post-workout.”
4. Cleanse yourself. Gentle cleanses are good for your system. Most people have never been on a juice cleanse, but Bryant says a cleansing can do wonders for the overall well-being of a person.
“Lots of people eat things in wrappers that are pre-packaged that have preservatives and all this other junk in it,” Bryant says. “I’m not talking about Colon Blow, which is harsh, I’m talking about natural things that have been flash-dried that are fruits, vegetables, herbs, and minerals that cleanse the intestines, liver, and colon.”
5. Here, fishy fishy. Fish oil is good for everything. The American diet isn’t very Mediterranean, so we often miss out on the benefits, such as omega 3s, that come with eating a lot of fish.
“It’s fantastic for your brain, it’s fantastic to help with circulation, it keeps your blood from clotting, and it keeps the arteries cleaner,” Bryant says. “It’s great as an anti-inflammatory, so it’s great for your joints, and it’s great for your skin. It’s something I think everyone should take.”
The Oxford GNC is a small, locally owned store stocked with employees who know their products and how to answer questions to help every customer—from the seasoned athlete to the middle-aged mother of three—understand what they’re getting and establish a perfect regimen for specific needs.
“This isn’t a clothing store; this is not mainstream knowledge,” Bryant says. “You can be an athlete and know nothing about sports nutrition. You can be very, very knowledgeable about what to eat and drink to be healthy, but most people don’t know what a lot of this stuff means. Plus, it doesn’t make it easier that the manufacturers use the longer words. Methylcobalamin — that’s just B-12. Dimethylamylamine is a geranium stem. If we don’t know what this stuff does, we can’t help you efficiently.”
For more information, call (662) 234-5687.
Amelia Camurati is editor-in-chief of HottyToddy.com and can be reached at amelia.camurati@hottytoddy.com.