Ole Miss Athletics added another superlative in the classroom, notching the highest APR score in program history with an average of 989 in the annual APR...
“Grandma’s Tiny House,” a children’s book about a colossal family gathering set in a tiny old house, is the 2018 winner of the University of Mississippi’s...
Two University of Mississippi pharmacy students have been named recipients of the exclusive Pharmacists Mutual Community Pharmacy Scholarship. Alex Gochenauer and Erin Hoevelmann were selected based...
The University of Mississippi Department of Music is expanding its graduate program offerings beginning this fall, adding a Master of Music with emphases in musicology, ethnomusicology...
Eight faculty members in the University of Mississippi’s College of Liberal Arts have been recognized for their creative research and scholarly activity during the 2017-18 academic...
For the third consecutive year, the University of Mississippi will host the American Legion Boys State beginning Sunday (May 27), bringing young men from across the...
The Ole Miss diamond Rebels advanced to the semifinals of the SEC Tournament with a 7-0 win over Auburn Friday. Ole Miss’ (44-15) high-powered offense came...
Ole Miss men’s golfer Braden Thornberry took to the links this afternoon at Karsten Creek Golf Club in Stillwater, Oklahoma for the 2018 NCAA Championships (May...
Baked Brie is such an EASY way to make a crowd happy! You will be shocked at how quickly this simple appetizer will disappear. Please note,...
On Thursday afternoon, the Kansas City Chiefs announced they signed former Ole Miss linebacker Breeland Speaks via its official Twitter account. Speaks was selected by the...