Americorp VISTA Member Helps Arts Council

Stacey SanfordSanford assisting in planning for growth.

There is a new face around the Powerhouse Community Arts Center these days. Stacey Sanford, an Americorps VISTA member, has been assigned to help the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council with its outreach and education for the next year.

“It is so nice to have an extra member of the team,” says Wayne Andrews, executive director of YAC. “She is able to really focus on expanding projects and launching new programs that have been goals the Arts Council wanted to begin as part of our long range plan.”

For YAC, this means working on creating portable mini art galleries, expanding new studio spaces for local artists, offering more classes and programs, and building relationships with other organizations in the area.

“What I love about this opportunity is that it speaks to so many areas that are very important to me—helping non-profit organizations, planning and organizing, and creating positive connections throughout the community,” says Sanford.

Funded through donations, ticket sales, and grants, YAC already offers 300 days of art programs, exhibits, and productions. With this new VISTA program in place, they intend to accomplish more long term goals that have been out of reach until now.

“We want to reach more people,” says Andrews. “Art is for everyone, and the support offered by this program will give us a resource our budget could not manage: an additional team member. Stacey will help us serve more people by growing and adding programs.”

For more information contact Stacey Sanford at 662-236-6429 or