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African American Ole Miss Student Attacked in The Retreat Complex



An African American Ole Miss student and resident of the Retreat Cottage Community in Oxford was doused with an alcoholic beverage and called a “black nigger” by unidentified passengers in a black truck around 8 p.m. Monday.
Oxford Police think the incident might be linked to the defacement of the statue of James Meredith on campus early Sunday morning.
The incident occurred at the Retreat, which is a 668-bed community at 2405 Anderson Road, about a mile from the Ole Miss campus. It’s populated almost entirely by Ole Miss students.
Kiesha Reeves, a third-year senior and participant in the Honors College program, says her roommate returned to the residence describing a black truck full of drunken people yelling racial slurs.


Kiesha Reeves describes a racial attack.

A while later as Reeves was retrieving her phone charger from her car, she heard a vehicle approaching with loud yelling and laughing. Partially out of her car now, she saw the black truck speeding toward her and then observed a shadowed passenger hurling liquid at her face. Moving quickly she avoided most of the spray, but said some got on her shirt and she determined it was an alcoholic drink.
“It all happened so fast and I was so shocked that I couldn’t really see any faces, only the outline of the black truck,” she said. “I heard the laughter and words ‘black nigger’ very distinctly,”
Reeves said she immediately called her aunt (an Ole Miss grad who serves as a mentor and adviser to Reeves) and father, who urged her to call the police. Reeves said this is the first time since arriving at Ole Miss that she has been made to feel unwelcome.
Oxford Police Officer Cody Pruitt arrived within 15 minutes and initiated the investigation. He confirmed that Reeves could not precisely identify the truck or the driver or passengers beyond the truck’s black color. When told that the truck had exited the complex on Anchorage Road heading into Lafayette County, Pruitt told Reeves that he could not pursue the vehicle into the County without a positive identification.
Detective Jeff McCutchen of the Oxford Police Department confirmed that Oxford policemen aren’t authorized to conduct searches outside of the city limits outside of “hot pursuit” situations, but added that his department took Ms. Reeves complaint very seriously.
“I can’t say that we’ve had any more complaints about the Retreat than any other residential complex, but we recognize that the facility is full of college kids.” he said. “This occurred on a long weekend, partying does go on and traffic is increased by friends coming in for the long weekend. We want to be vigilant in protecting the safety of the retreat residents.”
Reeves says she received a call from Detective Hardie Meeks of OPD on Feb.18 getting her version of events. According to Reeves and confirmed by McCutchen, Meeks said that a connection might exist between the Reeves incident and the defacement of the James Meredith statue on Sunday morning. The detective invited Reeves to come to the police station and view some photographs of truck to allow police to narrow down their search.
“We don’t know that there is any connection, but in cases like this we would be irresponsible not to run down every lead,” Detective McCutchen said.
Reeves says that the racial atmosphere in the Retreat development is hostile at times. She recalls an occurrence where a young white man walking down the sidewalk toward where Reeves and her roommate were sitting outside their residence spit on the ground near them. Reeves adds he then said, “”You can’t live here, you’re black.” contacted the local Retreat Cottage Community and the corporate headquarters in Memphis and has been unable to reach anyone for comment.
Despite the random racial hostility she has experienced, Reeves says she loves Ole Miss. The criminal justice major who minors in African American studies, says she has seen more good than bad when it comes to racial progress. “I have white friends and I love my teachers, my scholarship opportunity as a Lucky Day Scholar, my field of study and this beautiful campus. I think these kind of incidents reflect the battle to find balance between those who don’t want the university to change and those who want it to progress.”
Reeves is from what she describes as a tough town, Europa, Miss., 30 miles from Starkville. She was inspired by her Aunt Michelle as a child who graduated from Ole Miss, earned her masters and now teaches at Ittawamba Community College. Michelle Reeves attended Ole Miss classes with her niece on her knee, but she advised Kiesha to go to an all-black college instead of her Alma Mater.
Kiesha didn’t follow her aunt’s advice, but she does hope to emulate her mentor as a civil rights activist. Kiesha says her goal is to someday become a civil rights attorney. staff report


  1. BaeBae Tedford

    February 20, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Man I’m so glad I left that town..

  2. Tony Kordell

    February 21, 2014 at 12:09 am

    Hmm Bet the cops knew exactly who it was. That’s why they didn’t pursue. The getti boys need to visit this Ratchet ass Campus and Muck some of these haters.

  3. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 12:25 am

    Why do Black people keep attending this school? Go to an HBCU. Support your own institutions and stop trying to “integrate” with PWIs. Newsflash: You’re not wanted!

  4. --1♥ B. Marley

    February 21, 2014 at 1:05 am

    *Sighs* Ignorance has spoken.
    Who are you tell someone where they should go to school? That’s beyond stupid. If I were not educated and just some biased, narrow minded, douche bag then maybe I would agree with you. Who gets drunk and spew racial slurs at someone. Weirdest group of people i’ve ever seen. Go have fun with your life and stop focusing on black people so much. Clearly you WANT something they have because it’s been centuries of the same ole same ole.

  5. --1♥ B. Marley

    February 21, 2014 at 1:15 am

    1 bad apple always spoils the bunch.
    Luckily, we know that there are many people of European background at Ole Miss who are the complete opposite of these drunken, incoherent, hate-filled racists pathetic no lives. I just find it odd that it’s 2014 and these same people are saying the same thing since 1776. Like seriously can “they” get over it already. Nothing will change about black people integrating or even existing anywhere in America. Find a new dinner conversation plz . Racism, (especially against people of color) is so played out.

  6. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 1:48 am

    And sadly, you like abuse because you keep coming back. Has it ever occurred to you that your community can benefit from your intelligence? Why would you bring it to an institution where you’re not wanted? Now, tell me who’s really the ignorant person.

  7. the_old_perfesser

    February 21, 2014 at 7:26 am

    Eupora, not “Europa.” And yes, it is tough.

  8. Richard Daniel

    February 21, 2014 at 7:46 am

    You are still the ignorant person. And more importantly your
    ignorance is so entrenched you seems to actually believe what you are saying. Separation harms the soul of our nation. The only way to fight racism and discrimination
    is to face it head on; to eliminate the very notion of “the other” from our perception.
    Ole Miss is a first class institution of higher learning and
    anyone who chooses not to attend because of this sort of madness is a loss to the institution.
    If the racists don’t want to see diversity in their community
    it is there problem. The future of humanity is color blind.

  9. MissLu

    February 21, 2014 at 8:03 am

    Newsflash: YOU don’t speak for Ole Miss or the communinty of Oxford. My family is ingrained in Ole Miss history, my father is in the Athletics hall of fame and currently works in a highly coveted position with the university, and I was raised to respect and embrace all aspects of the university – including the diversity that people fought so hard for. The people who aren’t wanted are the drunken, racist, trash who tarnish the university’s/community’s history AND future (like you! ). Leave it to trash to defend the people who are actually endangering our lives (drunk drivers in case you can’t put those pieces together) and racism all in one quick breath. Ole Miss and Oxford will stand with Miss Reeves, not you.

  10. MissLu

    February 21, 2014 at 8:05 am

    You. It’s still you and most likely it will always be you.

  11. Carolyn Adams-Price

    February 21, 2014 at 9:48 am

    Hey Kiesha, come to State! You will always feel safe and welcome here.

  12. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 10:06 am

    I know what Ole Miss is NOT teaching: Reading comprehension and critical thinking. Specifically where in my remarks did I defend the actions of these domestic “terrorists”? I posed a question. Black Americans are some of the most poor, most under-educated, most unhealthy, and most incarcerated people in this nation; it’s a fact. You would think that Black students would want to give back to their community and build it by attending an HBCU and creating businesses to help their struggling friends and family members. Instead they flock to PWIs, begging for acceptance and then crying racism. With the exception of this particular incident, not everyone’s lack of reception to Black people is due to racism. By nature we are more prone to dealing with people who look like us; again, this too is a fact. So, before you jump down my throat and assume I’m a racist, try answering the question and thinking, instead of giving me some type of highly emotional response, about why Black people do not want to support their own institutions. How many white kids do you see attending an HBCU?

  13. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 10:10 am

    “The future of humanity is color blind.” Tell that B.S. to the parents of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis. You’re fooling yourself miserably if you actually believe this nation is heading towards a post-racial society. We havenn’t even offered Blacks a formal apology for centuries of enslavement, which has put them far behind everyone else economically.
    I know what Ole Miss is NOT teaching: Reading comprehension and critical thinking. Specifically where in my remarks did I defend the actions of these domestic “terrorists”? I posed a question. Black Americans are some of the most poor, most under-educated, most unhealthy, and most incarcerated people in this nation; it’s a fact. You would think that Black students would want to give back to their community and build it by attending an HBCU and creating businesses to help their struggling friends and family members. Instead they flock to PWIs, begging for acceptance and then crying racism. With the exception of this particular incident, not everyone’s lack of reception to Black people is due to racism. By nature we are more prone to dealing with people who look like us; again, this too is a fact. So, before you jump down my throat and assume I’m a racist, try answering the question and thinking, instead of giving me some type of highly emotional response, about why Black people do not want to support their own institutions. How many white kids do you see attending an HBCU?

  14. americanjello

    February 21, 2014 at 10:23 am

    Speak for yourself, you sorry excuse for a human being.

  15. americanjello

    February 21, 2014 at 10:24 am

    This isn’t really a fair thing to say and doesn’t help alleviate any tensions in the community. If that’s how you feel though, it’s probably better that you left.

  16. livingincamden

    February 21, 2014 at 10:31 am

    You clearly are not a nurse if you think for ONE minute Black Americans are the most unhealthy. I can’t tell you how many sick Caucasians that come through the door. Maybe you are only referring to the HIV rates. Let’s not kid ourselves. Whites are just as poor!The only difference is,they are too proud to admit it. They may not live in the projects but you can bet your bottom dollar they are using Section 8 (which you won’t know if you’re their neighbor). They are on government assistance JUST as much and account for so many social services cases til it’s unreal. My cousin gripes everyday about her new cases always wanting a hand out when they refuse to quit meth. I graduated from an HBCU and had white classmates. Some came on sports scholarships and others came because they just wanted to, and I had some also tell me they came because our program was either better or not offered at another school.You don’t have the facts.You are just blabbing on! I supported MY OWN institution with MY OWN dime.Let people go where their hearts take them.I personally wanted to go to an HBCU…SO I DID!

  17. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 11:17 am

    Hey nurse, where are you statistics? Again, you guys are responding with emotionally, dramatic responses. Where is your supporting data to show that Blacks aren’t one of the most unhealthy, under-educated, and impoverished people. Show me the data. Post a link. Give me something to reference. Your emotionally charged response has zero credibility. Does it bother you that I am stating facts?

  18. Keanita Trader

    February 21, 2014 at 11:22 am

    No one should attend an HBCU due to fear of being picked on & being a victim of a hate crime! In my opinion Historically Black Colleges are large EXPENSIVE babysitting institutions. I do not agree with the way this young lady was treated & Ole MISS needs to be REQUIRED to put cameras up alllllll over that campus & the hangouts around the campus. But telling black people to attend BLACK schools is racism in itself. That’s segregation at its finest. African American, Asians, Native Americans etc. should be able to attend whatever school they would like. They shouldn’t be encouraged to attend an HBCU to avoid racism. If all the blacks left the white schools the RACIST WOULD HAVE WON! They would’ve achieved what they want!
    I will not have my children attending public schools or going to a lesser college to avoid racism! My children will not go to a battle field with knives! They will have the same weapons as their enemies! ( meaning knowledge wise)
    They will sit beside every race from every nation with the same knowledge.. I wish HBCU’s were up to par, but they aren’t.
    OAN I pray for this young lady & the people who did this to her. There is a higher power & he sees everything. You reep what you sow.. So to this young lady, continue your life’s purpose! You can do allll things through CHRIST which strengthens you!!!!!

  19. Keanita Trader

    February 21, 2014 at 11:41 am

    But those educating the present generation all too often forget one thing – that life, indiscreet with its struggles and setbacks, its injustices and iniquities, sees to it that the scales are removed from the eyes of the ignorant and that they are opened to reality. Which was the case here, as it is with everyone.
    In this generation & day & age this life should be easy and largely open to intelligent, vagarious people. But experience & people like you show me that only cynics and lackeys can get a good seat at the banquet.
    Aren’t society’s & institutions supposed to be founded on justice and equality, All around me I see nothing but lies and treachery.
    Everyday Someone is disabused further. Everywhere You go, You witness the same pain in some, the same delights in others. It does not take long to realize that the same great words that We have been raised to venerate: honor, devotion, duty & pledges of allegiance were merely a mask hiding the most shameful turpitude.
    I’m at a loss for words at OLE MISS students behavior & the people saying this young lady should just go to an HBCU..
    Maybe she was Momentarily attracted by socialism, but I’m glad she has wasted no time in distancing herself from that her freedom to attend higher learning wherever she chooses.. Her love for liberty is too great,
    My regards for individual initiative
    I know that her name will not be the last smeared by racism in OLE MISS OR THE US.. There will be more names to add to the roll call of racism.
    You racist will not be able to destroy us. Our roots go deep: its spouts from the bosom of a rotten society that is falling apart
    We will stand firmly against your supposed established order; it stands for the aspirations to equality and liberty which have entered the lists against the current authoritarianism. It is everywhere. That is what makes it indomitable, and it will end by defeating you & liberating those were oppressed & mocked… All she wanted was an education! & she can have it wherever she chooses! & those who have done these acts to her will one day have to pay ..

  20. Keanita Trader

    February 21, 2014 at 11:43 am

    But those educating the present generation all too often forget one thing – that life, indiscreet with its struggles and setbacks, its injustices and iniquities, sees to it that the scales are removed from the eyes of the ignorant and that they are opened to reality. Which was the case here, as it is with everyone.
    In this generation & day & age this life should be easy and largely open to intelligent, vagarious people. But experience & people like you show me that only cynics and lackeys can get a good seat at the banquet.
    Aren’t society’s & institutions supposed to be founded on justice and equality, All around me I see nothing but lies and treachery.
    Everyday Someone is disabused further. Everywhere You go, You witness the same pain in some, the same delights in others. It does not take long to realize that the same great words that We have been raised to venerate: honor, devotion, duty & pledges of allegiance were merely a mask hiding the most shameful turpitude.
    I’m at a loss for words at OLE MISS students behavior & the people saying this young lady should just go to an HBCU..
    Maybe she was Momentarily attracted by socialism, but I’m glad she has wasted no time in distancing herself from that her freedom to attend higher learning wherever she chooses.. Her love for liberty is too great,
    My regards for individual initiative
    I know that her name will not be the last smeared by racism in OLE MISS OR THE US.. There will be more names to add to the roll call of racism.
    You racist will not be able to destroy us. Our roots go deep: its spouts from the bosom of a rotten society that is falling apart
    We will stand firmly against your supposed established order; it stands for the aspirations to equality and liberty which have entered the lists against the current authoritarianism. It is everywhere. That is what makes it indomitable, and it will end by defeating you & liberating those were oppressed & mocked… All she wanted was an education! & she can have it wherever she chooses! & those who have done these acts to her will one day have to pay ..
    This is it all who believes she needs to stand BLACK (back) in her place & attend a HBCU With her own kind .. Lol what year is this again???

  21. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    Gee, what a waste of characters! You said all of that and still said nothing. The ONLY way Blacks will be respected in this country is when they build wealth. This is a capitalist nation, which means money = power. As a collective, Blacks are at the bottom of the totem pole. And I’m guessing a lot of that is because they choose NOT to support one another. Blacks purchase their hair weaves from Koreans, cash their checks at businesses owned by Jews, pump their gas at gas stations owned by Middle Easterners, purchase their fast food at restaurants owned by Indians/Asians/Whites, purchase cars owned by White dealership owners, etc. Black spending is estimated to be at 1 trillion dollars by 2015, and all of that will pour into the aforementioned communities. Very little of it, if any, will go into Black owned businesses/institutions. So sad that you all don’t see it. You’d rather defend your “liberty” to choose to attend and spend your money at an institution that does not want you there. That’s too damn bad that you guys are so lost and ignorant.

  22. BaeBae Tedford

    February 21, 2014 at 12:48 pm

    Indeed. Because Oxford will never change.

  23. Matthew Lindsey

    February 21, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    This guy does not speak for Ole Miss. He probably didn’t even go to school there. I’m an alumnus, and I can honestly say from my experience, this behavior — REAList’s and the racist’s who assaulted the girl at the retreat– does not reflect the University of Mississippi and it’s student body at large. This is a minority of ignorant, racists who have no place in academia. Please don’t speak for an entire institution.

  24. Matthew Lindsey

    February 21, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    Where’s your supporting data? Links to studies? That’s what I thought.

  25. dicklenhart

    February 21, 2014 at 3:04 pm

    Speaking of ignorant, you understand that the three suspects are from Georgia and another college, not Ole Miss, right? You did read that they left the old Georgia confederate flag on the statue as well, right? Or can you not be bothered with reading and facts?
    Here’s a link to a short enough, little worded article you might be able to understand. You’ll see that no one from Ole Miss was involved in this vandalism:
    And since when do three people speak for an entire school? Where’s your proof that Ole Miss, or any college, doesn’t want black people?
    You write a lot, but don’t really bother with citing any statistical facts or any scholarly work to back up your assumptions (as that is what they are, you haven’t proven them to be facts).
    Are you here to make and prove a point or are you here just to be a racist troll?

  26. Shannon L. Edgerson

    February 21, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    HBCU’s teach just as much, it’s what you learn out of any college and put that knowledge to use. HBCU’s may lack resources, but the knowledge is just about the same if not more.

  27. iPhonesSuck

    February 21, 2014 at 4:03 pm

    Black people suck.

  28. iPhonesSuck

    February 21, 2014 at 4:07 pm

    Blacks should just keep to themselves.

  29. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    Thank you Shannon. White students making up 1-13 percent of HBCU enrollment is quite impressive. I wonder how does this measure up to the percentage of Black students who are enrolled in PWIs across the nation, for comparison’s sake. I appreciate the reference.

  30. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    Matthew, you can refer to me as a bigot all you want. This B.S. “kumbaya” rhetoric you’re spewing is more harmful to Blacks than helpful. When was the last time you marched for Black rights?
    Did you join them when they marched in honor of Trayvon’s death? Did you protest when they stood up for Troy Davis? Did you write letters to Congress when you learned that Black men are unfairly sentenced 20 percent longer sentences than White men for the same crimes? Of course you haven’t because you don’t give a damn.
    You’d rather fool Black people into believing that they’re “equals” when the truth is, they’re not. It’s time to face the facts. America is racist and the more Blacks keep trying to integrate with whites instead of supporting their own institutions, the more problems they will have. They need to be economically independent before they can successfully integrate.
    Here’s my source:

  31. LNLes

    February 21, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    Y’all look at the trend that is taking place…
    The Nkemdiche named our biggest players, well not our biggest but key players. Both Nkemdiche brothers, Wallace, and Henderson..the alleged assault on someone who was not a student at OM.
    The asshat that started the ‘riot’ after Obama’s reelection was started by someone who was not a student.
    Who is to say all of theses incidents aren’t connected by someone who wants to burn OM to the ground. I mean y’all saw the tweet the disgruntled State Fan posted about Tee Sheapard.

  32. LNLes

    February 21, 2014 at 4:58 pm

    It pisses me off that the race card leaps off the page at you. Would there be a big deal if this happened to a white kid?Would the headline jump off of the page? No it wouldn’t truthfully this shit happens to white kids purple kids black kids yellow kids and so on.

  33. Matthew Lindsey

    February 21, 2014 at 5:14 pm

    #1, I never referred to you as a bigot, but your insistence on claiming that another human being is not equal sure sounds like the words of a bigot. Let’s be precise, I called you a racist. Do you perhaps mean that African-Americans are treated unfairly? Your argument suffers from the fallacy of false equivocation; you are equating the concept of basic, inalienable, human rights to social and economic status. How do you intend for blacks to rise above their particular social or economic status if they are segregated? What you describe sounds all too much like the Jim Crow South.
    #2 You can use ad hominem attacks on me all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that what you are talking about is segregation and is morally and logically wrong and harmful to everyone involved.
    #3 I’m not trying to fool anyone into believing that they are equal; equality and freedom is something you are born with. Black people are equal to you whether you want to admit it or not. Are black people treated equally in America? Of course not. The answer to that problem is not segregation but for you and those who think like you to change your way of thinking.

  34. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    I’m quite amused how you managed to skirt around the questions I asked you, thus showing the shallowness of your concern for Blacks.
    Now, let’s address some things you brought up: Racist = Bigot, which is why I used that term instead. Either way, I’m neither.
    “…you are equating the concept of basic, inalienable, human rights to social and economic status.” That’s exactly what I’m doing. We live in America and America = capitalism. We have a “human right” and need to eat; however, we have to pay for food. If you’re poor, no money = no food. I’m a fan of socialism where hunger is a choice as opposed to a matter of economy.
    In terms of segregation being “morally wrong,” I want to direct you to a piece of history referred to the Tulsa, OK bombing of 1921 (Google it). Blacks were financially independent as a result of owning and financially supporting their own businesses. They were in preparation to build wealth, until radicals bombed them. Blacks NEED to segregate their finances if they plan to live and build in America.
    It’s liberals such as yourself who lie to them and tell them they’re “equal,” when in fact, your family has directly benefited from their enslavement. It’s easy to say we’re all equal when you’ve never been oppressed.
    If you really care about Blacks, fight the injustices they face. Right now, you’re only delivering lip service.

  35. Matthew Lindsey

    February 21, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    Let me direct you to Eatonville, a town in Florida where blacks successfully controlled wealth and power without being bombed. Like I said before, you can attack me and make assumptions about who I am and what I have done for black people all you want, but that’s nothing but you trying to avoid the issue at hand which is what you are saying is racist.
    You brought up thr question of whether black people should go to ole miss or not, correct? I say the question itself is irrelevant. A better question is, why do some people want to deny them that right?
    Now I’m sure you’re going to respond with some devisive rhetoric, but let me leave you with this question: how did 100 years of segregation help black people? Were they any better off in 1962 than they were in 1862? If segregation is so good, why did so many, black and white, fight for it’s end?
    Now the shabbos is here and I must bid you peace and hope that you see the light. Good day.

  36. Jacob

    February 21, 2014 at 6:20 pm

    If you think HBCU’s are “large EXPENSIVE babysitting institutions”, you are STUUUUUPPPPIDDDD!!!!

  37. REAList

    February 21, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    Fleeing from the “hot seat” is sooooo typical.
    You do realize that between 1862-1962 Blacks were not fully protected by the Constitution, right? Clearly segregation for Blacks today would look completely different from how it looked back then. Furthermore, you’ve misunderstood my position here, I’m arguing that Blacks should FINANCIALLY SUPPORT their own institutions. They will forever be oppressed until they build wealth.
    Whether or not you respond, you’ve made it very clear that you have very little understanding as to the depth of oppression Blacks face due to their lack of wealth.

  38. Fullerton Jeremy

    February 21, 2014 at 8:52 pm

    That happened to me in the grove junior year 2007. A redneck poured his beer on me for dancing with tri-delt said you Ni****, and we were just dancing because she knew me from the Olemiss Band and she was a Rebelette and I was a band member. We just quietly walked away from the incident.

  39. Fullerton Jeremy

    February 21, 2014 at 9:04 pm

    With this being said, I have to say I still love Olemiss. Those were my best years, because the positive moments outweighed those few backwoods racial moments, as a Graduate I would not take those moments back.

  40. Tom Mot

    February 21, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.

  41. hotcoffee4me2

    February 21, 2014 at 11:47 pm

    REAList and iPhone are trolls. Never address trolls.
    What will ultimately happen to Ole Miss is the college faculty will suffer, meaning the top of their fields will teach else where all due to people who can’t control their mouths and actions.

  42. Dutch Ducre

    February 22, 2014 at 12:54 am

    She def loves dining services lol
    Dis ray ciss

  43. Dutch Ducre

    February 22, 2014 at 12:59 am

    FashO manG Dey be ray ciss an sheeit

  44. Sipstate

    February 22, 2014 at 4:19 am

    LOL @ OleMiss being a “Prestigious White University”. The school costs less than a semester of a community college in California, hasn’t developed anything in the way of an economic return to Mississippi as evidenced by the state’s dismally low ranking in every metric aside from teen pregnancy, obesity, and unreformed racism. The school does nothing but generate graduates for a state that is perpetually poor and segregated.

  45. Sipstate

    February 22, 2014 at 4:23 am

    Do you claim that Black intelligence is somehow removed from White intelligence insofar as its reflexivity is concerned? What a shockingly silly thing for a prestigious candidate or graduate from a Prestigious White Institution (reference to your novel moniker, above) to say.

  46. REAList

    February 22, 2014 at 6:06 am

    You didn’t quite get the acronym. PWI = Predominantly White Institution. Nice try though.

  47. Matthew Lindsey

    February 22, 2014 at 9:05 am

    Post as yourself coward. Show us your real racist face.

  48. Matthew Lindsey

    February 22, 2014 at 9:19 am

    This wouldn’t happen to a white kid at Ole Miss because of white privilege. Get real.

  49. hotcoffee4me2

    February 22, 2014 at 10:59 am


  50. Anna Sumner

    February 22, 2014 at 11:20 am

    Actually the House of Representatives and Senate made their apologies in 2008. Try again.

  51. hotcoffee4me2

    February 22, 2014 at 11:29 am


  52. hotcoffee4me2

    February 22, 2014 at 11:41 am

    Ole Miss is a prestigious college. Ole Miss is a family.
    Nothing these trolls on this blog can make it any different.
    Ole Miss deserves better than what these trolls on here are saying.
    Ole Miss just had an african/american Senior Class President which was a first.
    Ole Miss just had an african/american Homecoming Queen which was a first.
    Ole Miss is moving forward whether these bigots like it or not.
    Mississippi is moving forward as well.
    Miss Kiesha Reeves didn’t deserve the treatment she received for that we all apologize to her for the disrespect that was shown to her.

  53. hotcoffee4me2

    February 22, 2014 at 11:42 am

    You’re just rude!

  54. BaeBae Tedford

    February 22, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    Yeah and a large contingent of them. Its a broken culture.

  55. kizzy

    February 23, 2014 at 12:54 am


  56. kizzy

    February 23, 2014 at 1:00 am

    Race card? This is actual racism. what should she do? tolerate it? get real.

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