The Monkey in the Middle: Gamma Chis Ready for Rush Next Week
As fall semester is unraveling before us, it brings new students, football season and sorority recruitment to the Ole Miss campus. This year, I am privileged to be a recruitment leader known around campus as a Gamma Chi.
Gamma Chis are a group of sorority women who are giving all the information about recruitment from Panhellenic to the potential new members. We also counsel the freshman girls through the process of recruitment. We are the ones who take the girls from chapter to chapter, we get to connect with the girls on a personal level, and we sadly have to release girls from the process.
My experience as a Gamma Chi has been incredible so far. We have had a bumpy start as every recruitment season in the past has started, but now we are only four days away from Greek Day (the first day of recruitment) Sunday, and I couldn’t be more excited. This year, we are been doing things differently. Due to the addition of Alpha Delta Pi, we now have a 10-8-5-2 system.
On the first day of recruitment, the girls will visit all 10 of chapters on campus to meet the girls in the different sororities. The chapters are required to inform the potential new members of the financial requirement and the GPA requirement of the chapter.
The second and third day, they will continue on to visit a maximum of eight chapters to learn about the chapter’s philanthropy. On the forth and fifth day, the girls will be asked back to a maximum of five chapters and see what sisterhood is all about.
The final day is preference round, and the girls will be invited back to one or two chapters to decide where they feel like they belong.
After the stressful week, where tears will be shed and best friends will be made, Bid Day will be Sunday, Sept. 21. The girls will open their bid cards in the Grove and run to either Sorority Row or Rebel Drive and be welcomed home by more than 200 of their new sisters.
Molly Brosier is a HottyToddy.com staff reporter and can be reached at mebrosie@go.olemiss.edu.