Arts & Entertainment
Arts Council Hosting Learning Session on Creative Economy
The Mississippi Development Authority, working with the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, has created a unique economic development workshop focusing on the arts and creative economy. The workshop is a peer learning program that will draw leaders of Arts organizations from across the state for a one day workshop. Instead of a training session, the Development Authority will be asking arts leaders to share their best practices, programs and events that contribute to the cultural inventory of the State and economic development.
The workshop, “Art Assets as an Economic Catalyst,” will be held August 21 at the Powerhouse Community Arts Center. To register, click here.
The organizers hope that by connecting arts leaders successful organization will help emerging arts organizations. This would include looking for opportunities to coordinate resources, partner on artistic programming, and raise the profile of Mississippi arts and artist.
“The peer learning session is open to all arts programs,” says Wayne Andrews, YAC director. “It is the first time the Mississippi Development Authority has presented a program of this nature. The arts council in Oxford was able to secure the event for North Mississippi by offering the space to present the program. We hope by having the workshop based in North Mississippi we can draw surrounding arts groups to this workshop offering a unique networking opportunity. This type of program has never been offered before, and the arts council hopes that with the support of the Development Authority that new services to support arts group to become effective businesses can be developed creating jobs, investment and tourism in our region.”
— Tad Wilkes,