Marine Rides Bike 1,700 Miles for Wounded Soldiers

Meet Craiger Matheny. Every year, he takes five weeks off work to bike across the country to raise money for wounded soldiers, specifically Sgt. Luis Gamez, USMC. This year, he’s riding 1,744 miles from Denver, Co. to Winston-Salem, N.C. for a group called Soldiers’ Angels.
Marines and other military active and veteran military members will meet Matheny at the finish line in North Carolina, some will even ride the final leg of the ride with him from Charlotte, N.C. He was simply passing through Oxford on his way to Tupelo tonight.
Ed Monday Pics 024If you’d like to help his cause, please send any donations to:
[quote]Soldiers’ Angels
2700 NE Loop, Suite 310
San Antonio, TX 78217[/quote]