Get a Free Car Wash — Send Scouts Whitewater Rafting

You can get all that spring grime off your ride and help some amazing scouts get a chance to experience the challenge of a lifetime this Saturday.
Just stop by the parking lot on Jackson across from the Gertrude Ford Blvd. entrance to Ole Miss.

Conley Wilkinson (left) and David Lane Wilkinson, both members of Boy Scout Troop 146 in Oxford, prepare to wash cars this weekend in the parking lot of

The troop will conduct a free car wash from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday  in the parking lot at 307 West Jackson Ave.
Local businesses are sponsoring the car wash to help Star, Life and Eagle Scouts go on a two-week Colorado adventure this summer, including camping, whitewater rafting, sandboarding, a steam train excursion and a tour of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
The troop also plans to wash cars Saturday, May 31, so mark your calendar, stop by both weekends and get a clean, shiny car for free as you help the Scouts earn money for their trip.