Ole Miss / LOU
Thank an Instructor at Ole Miss
Send a heartfelt note of gratitude to an instructor at Ole Miss who has positively impacted your academic journey.
Ole Miss has put out a call to the community to Thank an Instructor at Ole Miss. The invitation is as follows:
Thank an Instructor at UM!
As we head into a new semester, you might be reflecting on the last semester and thinking of teachers who had an impact on you. We invite you to send a note of thanks to those UM instructors who have made a difference in your life—either last semester or in a previous semester. The “Thank an Instructor” program, organized by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, is one way to do this!
Use this form to send a message of thanks to an instructor at the University of Mississippi whose teaching has mattered to you in some way. Perhaps this is an instructor who helped you to learn a difficult concept, was empathetic when you hit a rough patch, or taught you something you never knew before.
Instructors love to hear from former students, and they will be so grateful to know they are making a difference. Thank you for taking a few minutes to brighten somebody’s day!